IbrahimKocher Duhok
IbrahimKocher Duhok, tu bi xêr hatî Wîkîferhengê! | ||||
Ferhenga kurdî, navneteweyî û azad ya ku her kes dikare dewlemend bike! WÎKÎFERHENG hem ferhengeke kurdî - kurdî û hem jî ferhengeke hemû zimanan e.
Me ta niha 1.004.637 rûpel amade kirine
Armanca Wîkîferhengê rûnkirina wateya peyvê ye.
biguhêreSlav, Ji ber ku hûn dixwazin Ferhenga Kurdî berfireh bikin dest xweş ji were. lê belê hin peyvên ku hûn çêdikin, nizanim çawa bêjim lê hinek bê ser û ber dixuyên. Dîsa jî tiştekî normal e, hûn dikarin çewtiyên xwe sererast bikin. Hin caran hindek peyvan hûn bi tenê werdigerînin bi zimanê Înglizî û wateyên wan na nivîsin wek : tip tipandin, qeza u qeder, alozbûn wekî wayra û bawer im pitir ji van jî hene. Û hin caran jî hûn Navdêr, Biwêj, Rengdêr, Hoker û Lêker an ji hev cuda nakin, wek: like the back of one's hand (bawer im ev biwêj e, an na? û wateya wê jî ez bawer im ji wan kesan re tê dema ku baş bi tiştekî dizanin wek mînak: He knows Kurdish like the back of his hand.) û hwd... Welhasil ji kerema xwe beriya ku hûn peyvên nû çêdikin li çavkaniyên peyvên din binihêrin û bizanin ka bi çi awayi bikarhênrên Wîkîferhngê çêdikin. Serkeftin ji we re! --I'm Phenomenal As Usual (gotûbêj) 08:14, 9 rezber 2016 (UTC)
Silav bu te jî Kak BedîrXan. Hîviya Xwedê ez dê van tiştan dirist kem.
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
biguhêreHello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future.[survey 1] The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. To say thank you for your time, we are giving away 20 Wikimedia T-shirts to randomly selected people who take the survey.[survey 2] The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this project. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email to surveys@wikimedia.org.
Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 22:26, 13 rêbendan 2017 (UTC)
- ↑ This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
- ↑ Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
biguhêreHello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this survey on the project page and see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support editors like you. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement (in English). Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through the EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys to remove you from the list.
Thank you!
Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
biguhêreEvery response for this survey can help the Wikimedia Foundation improve your experience on the Wikimedia projects. So far, we have heard from just 29% of Wikimedia contributors. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes to be completed. Take the survey now.
If you have already taken the survey, we are sorry you've received this reminder. We have design the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. If you wish to opt-out of the next reminder or any other survey, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement. Thanks!
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
biguhêreHello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 23 April, 2018 (07:00 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We will not bother you again. We have designed the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. To opt-out of future surveys, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement.
Çavkaniya Peyvan
biguhêreMerheba Jeremy. Tu çawan î, baş î? Ez rêvebir Bikarhêner. Bi rastî tevkariyên te ya bo Wîkîferhengê gelek baş in. Lê hinek ji wan kêmçavkanî an jî bêçavkanî ne. Mixabin ev rewş carina ji ber ku zimanê kurdî hêj zêde pêş neketiye derdikeve holê. Lê dîsa jî ji ber ku esasekê Wîkîferhengê pêbawerî û biçavkanîbûn e, çavkanînîşandayîna bo peyvan ji bo me girîng e. Her roj gelek peyv li Wîkîferhengê têne zêdekirin û divê ev peyv bêne kontrolkirin, gelo peyvên ku têne lêzêdekirin rast in û bi kêmanî di sê çavkaniyên cuda ên pêbawer de derbas dibin an na? Heke ji vê pirsê re em bêjin na, divê em wê peyvê tevlî Wîkîferhengê nekin.
Li ser hin peyvên ku te li Wîkîferhengê zêde kiriye ji aliyê biçavkanîbûnê ve gumanên min hene li ser (wekî peyva "nişketişt"). Gelo di vê mijarê de çi difikirî? Herwiha ji ser twîtterê jî dikarî xwe bigihînî min: https://twitter.com/wikiferheng --Bikarhêner (gotûbêj) 21:34, 10 gulan 2019 (UTC)
Community Insights Survey
biguhêreShare your experience in this survey
Hi IbrahimKocher Duhok,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Wîkîferheng and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
biguhêreShare your experience in this survey
Hi IbrahimKocher Duhok,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
biguhêreShare your experience in this survey
Hi IbrahimKocher Duhok,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Îmte/Şava di gotûbêjan de
biguhêreSilav biracan, ji kerema xwe îmzeya xwe ji bîr neke. Îmze bi rêya 4-tîldeyan (~~~~) tê çêkirin. Gelek spas û qewet be ji te re --Şêr (gotûbêj) 18:15, 13 gulan 2020 (UTC)
- bnr --Şêr (gotûbêj) 18:15, 13 gulan 2020 (UTC)
- PS: Min jî ev nûçe xwend. Destên te sax bin. --Şêr (gotûbêj) 18:17, 13 gulan 2020 (UTC)
- Silav Şêr, zanibe go di wê nûçeyê de gelek şaşî hene. -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 16:25, 6 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Jêbirina peyva alozbûn wekî wayra
biguhêreEv peyv alozbûn wekî wayra dê were betalkirin, ji ber ku ev bêçavkanî ye. Eger tu nexwazî ev rûpel were betalkirin, sedema wê li gotûbêja rûpelê binivisîne.--Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 15:32, 6 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Dengdana Rêbaznameya Wîkîferhengê
biguhêreSilav . Dengdaneke li ser Rêbaznameya Wîkîferhengê heye. Ji kerema xwe re here dengdanê Wîkîferheng:Dengdan/Rêzik/Rêbazname û fikrên xwe bibêje. --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 21:40, 9 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
biguhêreBahwer nakim tu vê bixwînî lê tu dikarî bes navên rûpelan bi tîpên mezin/gir binivîsê? -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 18:08, 27 îlon 2020 (UTC)
- Silav, Tu dikarî beşdariyên xwe li gorî formata Wîkîferhengê zêde bikî? bnr. [1]. Herwiha di nav rûpelên gotûbêjan de îmze xwe ji bîr meke. Spas--Ghybu (gotûbêj) 16:44, 30 îlon 2020 (UTC)