leap year
biguhêreleap year (forma pirjimar leap years)
- Sala duşeşî. Saleke di teqwîma julyenî an teqwîma mîladî de yê tevî rojeke zêde yê tevlî meha sibatê kirî, ji bo lihevanîna saetên ekstra yê sala rojê; saleke 366-rojî.
- 1878, W.S.B. Woolhouse & al., "Calendar" in the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., Vol. IV, p. 666–7:
- The additional day which occurred every fourth year [after the Julian Reform] was given to February, as being the shortest month, and was inserted in the calendar between the 24th and 25th day. February having then twenty-nine days, the 25th was the 6th of the calends of March, sexto calendas; the preceding, which was the additional or intercalary day, was called bis-sexto calendas,—hence the term bissextile, which is still employed to distinguish the year of 366 days. The English denomination of leap-year would have been more appropriate if that year had differed from common years in defect, and contained only 364 days. In the ecclesiastical calendar the intercalary day is still placed between the 24th and 25th of February; in the civil calendar it is the 29th.
- Roja zêde yê ku çar salê careke [piştî Reforma Julienî] dertê dane meha sibatê, ji ber ku meha herî kurt e, û li navbera 24em û 25em hatiye bicihkirin. Piştre sibat bû bîst û neh roj, 25ê wê dibû 6ê meha adarê, sexto calendas; yê berî ku rojekê zêde an tevlîkirî bû, wekî bis-sexto calendas dihat binavkirin, lewma terma bissextile, ku ji bo cudakirina salên 366-rojî hê jî li kar e. Hakimiyeta terma "leap-year" a îngilîzî wê minasibtir bûya ger ew bi kêmbûna xwe ji salên normal cuda bûya, û tenê ji 364 rojan pêk bihatiya. Di teqwîma dêrê de roja zêdek hê jî di navbera 24 û 25ê sibatê de bicihkirî ye; di teqwîma sivîl de ew di 29ê de ye.
- The additional day which occurred every fourth year [after the Julian Reform] was given to February, as being the shortest month, and was inserted in the calendar between the 24th and 25th day. February having then twenty-nine days, the 25th was the 6th of the calends of March, sexto calendas; the preceding, which was the additional or intercalary day, was called bis-sexto calendas,—hence the term bissextile, which is still employed to distinguish the year of 366 days. The English denomination of leap-year would have been more appropriate if that year had differed from common years in defect, and contained only 364 days. In the ecclesiastical calendar the intercalary day is still placed between the 24th and 25th of February; in the civil calendar it is the 29th.
- 1878, W.S.B. Woolhouse & al., "Calendar" in the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., Vol. IV, p. 666–7:
biguhêre- (Julian & Gregorian) bissextile, bissext
biguhêreJi îngilîziya navîn lepe yeer, lep ȝere, lyp ȝere, wekheva leap + year. Muhtemelen ji formasyoneke kevintir yê eleqedarê norsiya kevn hlaup-ár (“leap year”), îngilîziya kevn mōnan hlȳp (“moon's leap”) (bide ber latînî saltus lunae di hesabkirina mehên heyvê de li ser çerxa 19-salî tê emilandin)