Ferhenga kurdî, navneteweyî û azad ya ku her kes dikare dewlemend bike!
WÎKÎFERHENG hem ferhengek kurdî - kurdî û hem jî ferhengek hemî zimanan e.
Me ta niha 1.004.638 rûpel amade kirine
lê her roj bi dehan nivîsarên nû lê zêde dibin.
- Wîkîferheng û Wîkîpediya ji hevdu cuda ne. Ji kerema xwe bixwîne:
Qewet be[ʤɔ̯ʁʤˈæniːmɘl] (Nîqaş) 14:39, 13 reşemeh 2011 (UTC)
- Hello,
Welcome: tu bi xêr hatî
biguhêreyou are new here, so welcome for you and your contribution into kurdish world, take care --Alsace38 (Nîqaş) 16:13, 13 sermawez 2011 (UTC)
Creating new pages
biguhêreDear Sa'y!
Thanks for your message. When you search for a word in Arabic alphabet that corresponds to an article already existing in Latin alphabet, you are redirected to that page. This is to make easy searching also for those Kurdish-speaking people who use Kurdo-Arabic alphabet. However, a problem arises when you try to create a page with a title in Arabic alphabet, like your زمان which in Kurdish corresponds to ziman or zman and means language or tongue (cognate with Persian زبان.
When facing a problem like the one you mentioned, please search for your word above where it reads "Lêbigere". Before pressing "enter", it will suggest some words and in the very last "dihundirîne...". "Enter" your mouse there and you will be taken to a page with a red text "çêke" (create). Press that link and you can start creating a new page. (Sorry, I already created your زمان :-)
Best regards --Ferhengvan (Nîqaş) 08:31, 14 sermawez 2011 (UTC)