biguhêrecompulsory (komparatîv more compulsory, sûperlatîv most compulsory)
- Hewce; lazim, pêwîst; zerûrî, zorekî.
- The ten-dollar fee was compulsory.
- Komîsyona deh-dolarî zerûrî ye.
- Yê xwedî qeweta zordanê; mecbûrkirinê.
- Such compulsory measures are limited.
- Tedbîrên bi vî rengî yên mecbûrî sînordar in.
biguhêre- (yê hewce) optional
biguhêrecompulsory (forma pirjimar compulsories)
- Tiştekî zerûrî an hewce.
- Delobel and Schoenfelder failed to win the free dance, but they had built a big lead in the compulsories and the original dance. — (New York Times, French Victory in Ice Dance [arşîv], The Associated Press, 2008-03-22)
- Delobel û Schoenfelder nekarîn dansa belaş qezenc bikin, lê wan pêşengiyek mezin di hewcehiyan de di û dansa orjînal de ava kiribûn.
- Delobel and Schoenfelder failed to win the free dance, but they had built a big lead in the compulsories and the original dance. — (New York Times, French Victory in Ice Dance [arşîv], The Associated Press, 2008-03-22)
biguhêreDeyn ji latîniya dereng compulsorius, ji latînî compulsus. Xweciha ji şûna xwe hatiye kirin: îngilîziya kevn ġenīedelīċ.