

sonuvabitch (forma pirjimar sonuvabitches an sonsuvbitches)

  1. (biçûkxister, argo) Awayekî din yê nivîsîna son of a bitch.
    • 1973, Mario Puzo, Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather Part II (screenplay, second draft)
      MICHAEL: Clemenza promised Rosato three territories in the Bronx after he died, and then you took over and welched.
      PENTANGELI: Clemenza promised them nothing, he hated the sonsuvbitches.
      MICHAEL: Clemenza soz dabû Rosato ku sê erdên li Bronksê bide wî, piştî mirina wî, û pişt re te dewr girt û te soza xwe bi cih neanî.
      PENTANGELI: Clemenza soza ti tiştî neda wan, ew nefret dike ji teresan.