Binêre herwiha: de-toxify
biguhêredetoxify (nihaya sade ya yekjimar detoxifies, partîsîpa niha detoxifying, boriya sade û partîsîpa borî detoxified)
- bêjehr kirin, Rakirina madeyên jehrî ji tiştekî.
- As a result of this, in some way or other, unknown to us, a diminished power of oxidation results and the organism loses the power to detoxify substances absorbed from the intestine which have been present there in excess; these circulate in the blood, exerting their poisonous action and cannot be excreted by the kidneys because they are not brought to them in the proper form. — (Transactions of the American Pediatric Society, Some possible etiological factors in the recurrent vomiting of children, John Howland, cîld 18, 1907, r. 295)
- Wekî netîceya vê yekê, bi hin awayan an awayekî din, ku em nizanin, qeweta oksîdasyonê kêm dibe û organîzma qeweta xwe ya bêjehrkirina madeyên ku ji rûviyê hatine kişandin û di wir de pir zêde hene winda dike. Ev di nav xwînê de diçin û tên, kiryarên jehrewî pêk tînin û ji ber ku bi formeke dirust nayên, ji aliyê gurçikan ve nikarin ji wicûdê bên avêtin.
- As a result of this, in some way or other, unknown to us, a diminished power of oxidation results and the organism loses the power to detoxify substances absorbed from the intestine which have been present there in excess; these circulate in the blood, exerting their poisonous action and cannot be excreted by the kidneys because they are not brought to them in the proper form. — (Transactions of the American Pediatric Society, Some possible etiological factors in the recurrent vomiting of children, John Howland, cîld 18, 1907, r. 295)
biguhêreJi 1905 û pê ve hatiye teyîdkirin (12 sal berî toxify), ji de- + tox- + -ify. (Detoxicate salek berê, ji 1904 û pê ve hatiye teyîdkirin.)