biguhêredelusional (komparatîv more delusional, sûperlatîv most delusional)
biguhêredelusional (forma pirjimar delusionals)
- Kesê ku ji ber ewham û waswasan êş dikişîne.
- 2005, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- But of course, that excludes the narcissistic delusionals, the deliberate frauds, and the pathological cases of multiple personality. They are all out there in New Age Land, and it's a jungle!
- Lê helbet, ew ewhamên narsîstîk, sextekariyên qestî, halên patolojîk yên karaktera pirhejmarî xaric digire. Ew tev li New Age Landê ne, û ew der daristanek e!
- But of course, that excludes the narcissistic delusionals, the deliberate frauds, and the pathological cases of multiple personality. They are all out there in New Age Land, and it's a jungle!
- 2005, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction