

delusional (komparatîv more delusional, sûperlatîv most delusional)

  1. ewhamî, waswasî,
    Yê ku ji ber ewham û waswasan êş dikişîne an yê ku bi wan karakterîze bûye.

delusional (forma pirjimar delusionals)

  1. Kesê ku ji ber ewham û waswasan êş dikişîne.
    • 2005, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction
      But of course, that excludes the narcissistic delusionals, the deliberate frauds, and the pathological cases of multiple personality. They are all out there in New Age Land, and it's a jungle!
      Lê helbet, ew ewhamên narsîstîk, sextekariyên qestî, halên patolojîk yên karaktera pirhejmarî xaric digire. Ew tev li New Age Landê ne, û ew der daristanek e!



Ji delusion + -al.