biguhêre- absurdity
- all my eye
- all my eye and Betty Martin
- applesauce
- bafflegab
- balderdash
- balls
- baloney
- Bandini
- baragouin
- batcrap
- batshit
- bilgewater
- blah
- blather
- blatherskite
- bollocks
- bosh
- BS (kurteya bullshit)
- bull
- bullcrap
- bulldust
- bullshit
- bunk
- bunkum
- bushwah
- claptrap
- cobblers
- codswallop
- crap
- crock
- crock of shit
- double Dutch
- double talk
- doublespeak
- drivel
- eyewash
- fiddle-faddle
- flapdoodle
- flim-flam
- flummery
- folderol
- foolishness
- footle
- framis
- fudge
- garbage
- garble
- gibber
- gibberish
- gobbledygook
- Greek
- gup
- hoax
- hocus-pocus
- hogwash
- hokum
- hooey
- horsefeathers
- horse hockey
- horse piss
- horse puckey
- horseshit
- humbug
- jabber
- jargon
- jibber-jabber
- junk
- lallation
- malarkey
- manure
- moonshine
- mumbo jumbo
- nertz
- nonsense
- pie in the sky
- piffle
- pigswill
- poppycock
- prattle
- [[put-on
- rhubarb
- rhubarb rhubarb
- rot
- rubbish
- ruse
- santorum
- shit
- shite
- skimble-skamble
- squit
- stuff
- stuff and nonsense
- tosh
- tush
- trash
- tripe
- twaddle
- whiff-whaff
- word salad