- (kompûternasî) "pirsgirêk di navbera kursî û kîbordê de ye"
(gotinek e ku desteya teknîkî di nav xwe de bi kar tîne gava ku dixwaze bibêje ku xeta ne ji kompûterê lê ji bikarînerê wê bi xwe ye)
biguhêreproblem exists between chair and keyboard
biguhêre- EBKAC (Error Between Keyboard And Chair)
- PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)
- PIBCAK (Problem Is Between Chair And Keyboard)
- PIBKAC (Problem Is Between Keyboard And Chair)
- PLBKAC (Problem Lies Between Keyboard And Chair)
- POBCAC (Problem Occurs Between Computer And Chair)
- PEBCAC (Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer)
- PEBMAC (Problem Exists Between Monitor And Chair)
- PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)
- PEBKAM (Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Monitor)
- PEBCATS (Problem Exists Between Chair and TouchScreen)
- PEBCAI (Problem Exists Between Chair and iPad/iPhone)
- PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard)