Kategorî:Deng bi îngilîzî
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Hemû gotarên zimanê îngilîzî yên tê de dosyaya dengî hene.
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Di vê kategoriyê de 18.745 rûpel hene. Jêr 200 rûpel tên nîşandan.
rûpela berî vê ↔ rûpela pêşA
- a
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- a bit
- a capella
- a cappella
- a few
- a fortiori
- a friend in need is a friend indeed
- a la mode
- a little
- a miss is as good as a mile
- a priori
- a wild goose never laid a tame egg
- a.m.
- aah
- aardvark
- aardwolves
- Aaron
- aba
- abaci
- abacinates
- aback
- abacus
- abacuses
- abaft
- abandon
- abandoned
- abandoning
- abandonment
- abandonware
- abas
- abase
- abash
- abashed
- abask
- abate
- abatements
- abattoir
- abbesses
- abbey
- abbeys
- abbot
- abbots
- abbreviate
- abbreviation
- Abby
- abdicate
- abdications
- abdomen
- abdominal
- abdominals
- abduct
- abductor
- abductors
- Abdul
- abed
- aberration
- abet
- abetment
- abetting
- abettor
- abeyant
- abhor
- abide
- abide by
- abilities
- ability
- abject
- abjection
- abjections
- ablaze
- able
- abluent
- ablution
- abnegate
- abnormal
- abo
- abode
- abolish
- abolitionists
- abominable
- abominate
- aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- aborigine
- abort
- abortifacient
- abortion
- abortive
- aborts
- abounding
- about
- about to
- about-face
- above
- above par
- above-board
- abracadabra
- abradant
- abrade
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abreast
- abridge
- abroad
- abrogate
- abrupt
- abruptly
- abs
- abscess
- abscission
- absence
- absence makes the heart grow fonder
- absent
- absent-mindedness
- absentee
- absolutely
- absolutenesses
- absolutes
- absolutists
- absolve
- absonant
- absorb
- absorbed
- absorbent
- absorbents
- absorber
- absorbing
- absorption
- abstain
- abstainers
- abstention
- absterge
- abstergent
- abstinence
- abstractedness
- abstraction
- abstruse
- abstrusenesses
- absurd
- absurdity
- abundance
- abundant
- abuse
- abused
- abusers
- abuses
- abusive
- abut
- abuts
- abysmal
- abyss
- abysses
- acacia
- academic
- academies
- academy
- acanthous
- accede
- accelerate
- acceleration
- accent
- accentuate
- accept
- acceptable
- acceptance
- acceptant
- accepted
- accepting
- acceptor
- acceptors