biguhêre- Bilêvkirina nêzîk bi kurmancî: ~ bornibil (agahdarî)
- IPA: /ˈbəːnəb(ə)l/
- şewatbar, yê ku kare were şewitandin
- Fukuoka City collects household garbage separately, and as such, citizens are required to dispose of them according to set rules. Garbage must be disposed of in designated bags available at supermarkets, convenience stores, etc., separated into three categories of burnable garbage, non-burnable garbage, or glass containers and PET bottles, and put out on the scheduled days.
- Bajarê Fukuokayê çopên malê ji hev cuda divicîne, û divê hemwelatî wan girêdayî qaîdeyên heyî tertîb bikin. Çop divê têxin poşetên dîzaynkirî yên li supermarket, dikanan hwd berdest in û ji hev werin cudakirin bi sê kategoriyên wek çopên şewatbar, çopên neşewatbar, qabên camî, û şûşeyên PET û divê ev çop di rojên plankirî de deynin derve.
- Fukuoka City collects household garbage separately, and as such, citizens are required to dispose of them according to set rules. Garbage must be disposed of in designated bags available at supermarkets, convenience stores, etc., separated into three categories of burnable garbage, non-burnable garbage, or glass containers and PET bottles, and put out on the scheduled days.