herçend: Cudahiya di navbera guhartoyan de

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Cyrusbot (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
B Wergerr lê hat zêde kirin: de
Cyrusbot (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
B Sererastkirina beşa wergerrê
Rêz 13:
=== Werger ===
* {{cazh}} : [[tot i que虽然]], [[malgrat que]](suīrán)
* {{de}} : {{W+|de|obwohl}}, {{W+|de|obschon}}, {{W+|de|obgleich}}
*{{zh}}: [[虽然]] (suīrán)
* {{fa}} : [[{{W+|fa|هر چند]]}}
*{{nl}}: [[ondanks]], [[hoewel]], [[alhoewel]]
* {{fi}} : [[{{W+|fi|vaikka]]}}, [[{{W+|fi|vaikkakin]]}}
*{{fa}}: [[هر چند]]
* {{fr}} : [[{{W+|fr|bien que]]}}, [[{{W+|fr|quoique]]}}
*{{fi}}: [[vaikka]], [[vaikkakin]]
* {{nl}} : [[{{W+|nl|ondanks]]}}, [[{{W+|nl|hoewel]]}}, [[{{W+|nl|alhoewel]]}}
*{{fr}}: [[bien que]], [[quoique]]
* {{dehe}} : {{tWxx|dehe|obwohl}},lamrót {{tshé|de|obschonלמרות ש-}}, {{tWxx|dehe|obgleichaf al pí shé|אף על פי ש-}}
* {{en}} : [[{{W+|en|although]]}}, [[{{W+|en|though]]}}, [[{{W+|en|even though]]}}, in [[spite]] of (the fact that...), [[despite]] the fact that
* {{it}} : [[{{W+|it|sebbene]]}}, [[benché]] (both always followed by the subjunctive)
*{{he}}: {{he-translation|למרות ש-|lamrót shé}}, {{he-translation|אף על פי ש-|af al pí shé}}
* {{ca}} : {{W+|ca|tot i que}}, {{W+|ca|malgrat que}}
*{{it}}: [[sebbene]], [[benché]] (both always followed by the subjunctive)
* {{pt}} : [[{{W+|pt|embora]]}}, [[{{W+|pt|conquanto]]}}
* {{ru}} : [[несмотря на то, что]] (nesmotrya na to, {{W|ru|chto)}}
* {{es}} : [[{{W+|es|aunque]]}}
* {{el}} : [[αν και]] (an kai), [[μολονότι]] (molonóti), [[καίτοι]] (kaítoi), [[παρόλο]] (parólo), [[παρά]] (pará)