Viewing abuse filter 6: cureyê rêzimanî kêm e

Editing filter 6
Filter parameters
IDya Fîltreyê:6


(ji aliye her kesî dikare were dîtin)
Statîstîk:Of the last 20 actions, this filter has matched 0 (0%). On average, its run time is 0,24 ms, and it consumes 1,8 conditions of the condition limit.
rx := "([=]{3,7})[ \t]*(?:Navdêr|Formeke navdêrê|Formeke lêkerê|Formeke rengdêrê|Formeke hokerê|Formeke serenavê|Formeke cînavê|Serenav|Lêker|Rengdêr|Hoker|Cînav|Girêdek|Daçek|Artîkel|Pirtik|Baneşan|Navgir|Paşgir|Pêşgir|Reh|Biwêj|Hevok|Gotineke pêşiyan|Hejmar|Tîp|Sembol|Kurtenav)[ \t]*\1[^{]*?#"; (page_namespace == 0 | page_namespace == 108) & new_wikitext rlike rx
Filter last modified:22:07, 24 adar 2021 by Balyozxane (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
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Amûr:Export this filter to another wiki
Actions to take when matched