Viewing abuse filter 5: <i>Koda <code>diq</code> nayê bikaranîn binêre "Zazakî" li ser [[WF:HZ]]. Koda rast:<code>zza</code></i>

Editing filter 5
Filter parameters
IDya Fîltreyê:5


(ji aliye her kesî dikare were dîtin)
Statîstîk:Of the last 39 actions, this filter has matched 0 (0%). On average, its run time is 0,07 ms, and it consumes 0,8 conditions of the condition limit.
page_age == 0 & page_namespace == 0 & added_lines irlike "\|diq\||{{ziman\|diq}}|{{W\|diq\||{{Z\|diq}}"
Filter last modified:17:24, 21 çiriya pêşîn 2020 by Balyozxane (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
Dîrok:View this filter's history
Amûr:Export this filter to another wiki
Actions to take when matched