biguhêre- pabulum xwarin
- page rûpel
- pail satil
- pain jan
- pain renc
- paint boyax
- paint boyaxkirin
- painting wêne
- pair cot
- palate pidû
- pale çilmisî
- pallid çilmisî
- panic qurf
- paper kaxiz
- paper rojname
- paradigm mînak
- paradigm wekok
- paragraph bend
- pardon bexişandin
- pardon lêborîn
- part beş
- part erk
- part rist
- particular taybet
- particular taybetî
- particularly bi taybet
- particularly bi taybetî
- partner hevpar
- partner paydar
- partridge kew
- party partî
- passed borî
- passenger rêwî
- passing demdemî
- past paşêroj
- pasture çêregeh
- patch pîne
- path rê
- patience tebat
- patients nexweş
- pattern mînak
- pattern nimûne
- patterns mînak
- patterns nimûne
- paunch navik
- pause rawestan
- peace aramî
- peace aştî
- peace seeker aştixwaz
- peak kimt
- peak kumbet
- peak lûtke
- pear alîsor
- pear hirmî
- peasant gundî
- peculiar beloq
- pedestrian peya
- peel tivil
- pelt eyar
- penalty seza
- penis kîr
- people gel
- pepper bîber
- pepper îsot
- peppermint pûjan
- perceive sehkirin
- peremptory teqez
- perforate qulkirin
- perform duristkirin
- perform encamdan
- perform kirin
- perform çêkirin
- performance berhem
- performance xebat
- performance şixul
- perhaps dibe ku
- perilous xeternak
- period heyam
- period çerx
- periodical kovar
- permanent domdar
- permission betlane
- permission destûr
- perpendicular rep
- perpendicular zîq
- perpetual bêdawî
- perpetual nemir
- perpetual sermed
- person ferd
- person kes
- personal şexsî
- perspiration xwêdan
- perspire xwêdan
- pessimistic bedbîn
- pestilent xeternak
- petite fîskanî
- petite hûr
- petition tika
- phantom spêle
- pharynx hefik
- phase pêvajo
- phenomenon diyarde
- photo wêne
- photography fotografî
- picayune fîskanî
- picayune hûr
- pick neqandin
- picnic seyran
- picture wêne
- pictures wêne
- piece bir
- piece zîvar
- pigeon kevok
- pilfer dizîn
- pillage extirme
- pilot sergêr
- pineapple ananas
- pinnacle lûtke
- pipe qelûn
- pitch avêtin
- pitcher misîn
- pitfall dab
- pitfall feq
- place bicihkirin
- place cih
- place cî
- place cîh
- place danîn
- place der
- place erd
- place qad
- place têxistin
- place xistin
- plain asan
- plain berî
- plain pan
- plain zeblok
- plan fikirîn
- plan hizrîn
- plan plan
- planet rojgeran
- plans plan
- plant avakirin
- plant damezrandin
- plant karistan
- plant nebat
- plant sazkirin
- plant venandin
- plate teyfik
- plateau bane
- plateau zozan
- play leyîstin
- play lîstik
- play terane
- played lîst
- player yarîker
- plaything lîstok
- plaza hol
- plea tika
- pleasure kêf
- plenteous kertek
- plenty tijî
- plucky dilawêr
- plucky egît
- plucky mêrxas
- plucky çeleng
- pocket girfan
- poem helbest
- poem pêşe
- point mêrandin
- point xal
- poison jehr
- police polîs
- polish biriqandin
- polish mesqelkirin
- polish teyisandin
- political ramyarî
- pollute lewitandin
- pomegranate hinar
- pommel kutan
- pommel lêbezîn
- pommel lêdan
- pommel lêxistin
- poor belengaz
- poor fena
- poor reben
- poor xizan
- poorer belengaztir
- popular gelêrî
- popular xoşewîst
- popular xoştivî
- popular xweşdivî
- popular xweştivî
- population gelhe
- population serjimar
- port bendergeh
- port lengergeh
- position barîdox
- position cih
- position cî
- position der
- positive erênî
- possibility delîve
- possibility derfet
- possible gengaz
- possible pêkan
- post name
- postpone betalkirin
- postpone gîrokirin
- postulate dilkirin
- postulate xwestin
- posture barîdox
- pot aman
- potent bihêz
- potent karîger
- potent xurt
- pots and pans aman
- pots and pans fera
- pots and pans firaq
- powder xubar
- power desthilatî
- power hêz
- powerful bihêz
- powerful xurt
- praise pesindan
- pray libergerîn
- prayer wird
- precaution semt
- preeminent serkeftî
- pregnancy avisbûn
- pregnant avis
- pregnant ducan
- prescription ferman
- present diyarî
- present xelat
- presently niha
- presidency serokatî
- press dewisandin
- press çap
- press çapxane
- pretty bedew
- price biha
- price buha
- price increase bihabûn
- pride xawên
- primary sereke
- prince mîr
- prince mîrza
- principle rêgez
- print dewisandin
- print pêlêkirin
- print çapkirin
- priority pêşkî
- prison girtîgeh
- private serbaz
- private taybet
- privilege maf
- problem arîse
- problem pirsgirêk
- problems pirsgirêk
- process doman
- process pêvajo
- produce hilberandin
- produce hilberîn
- produce kirin
- produce çêkirin
- producer hilberîner
- production hilberîn
- products berhem
- profit havil
- profit kar
- profit kelk
- profit sûd
- profundity kûrahî
- profuse camêr
- programme bername
- prohibition qedexe
- project proje
- projects proje
- prolong dirêjkirin
- promise soz
- pronto tavilê
- pronto yekser
- proper durist
- proper guncaw
- proper rast
- property mal
- proportion rêje
- prospect bergeh
- protect parastin
- proud serbilind
- province parêzgeh
- proxy cîgir
- psychic derûnî
- public gelemper
- public gelemperî
- published weşand
- pulchritude bedewî
- pulchritude rindî
- pure xwerû
- purge paqijkirin
- purify palîn
- purify paqijkirin
- purify parzîn
- purloin dizîn
- purpose amanc
- purpose armanc
- purpose mebest
- push defandin
- put danîn
- put têxistin
- put xistin
- putrid pûç