Pêvek:Cotepeyv bi îngilîzî

  1. a & a
  2. A and E
  3. accident and emergency
  4. Adam and Eve
  5. Adam and Steve
  6. aid and abet
  7. alack and alas
  8. alas and alack
  9. all-or-nothing
  10. any and all
  11. apples and oranges
  12. apples and pears
  13. Armalite and the ballot box
  14. armed and dangerous
  15. arts and crafts
  16. back and fore
  17. bacon and cabbage
  18. bacon and eggs
  19. bag and baggage
  20. bag and band
  21. bait and switch
  22. barefoot and pregnant
  23. bargain and sale
  24. baron and femme
  25. bat and ball
  26. beauty and the beast
  27. beck and call
  28. bed and breakfast
  29. bed-and-breakfast
  30. bees and honey
  31. before-and-after
  32. belt and braces
  33. belt and suspenders
  34. Benson and Hedges
  35. betwixt and between
  36. bike-and-ride
  37. bill and coo
  38. binge-and-purge
  39. birds and bees
  40. bite and smile
  41. bits and pieces
  42. Black and Decker
  43. black and tan
  44. black-and-blue
  45. Blairgowrie and Rattray
  46. blood and guts
  47. blood-and-guts
  48. board and lodging
  49. born and bred
  50. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  51. bow and scrape
  52. Brahms and Liszt
  53. bread and circuses
  54. bread and scrape
  55. bread-and-butter
  56. breaking and entering
  57. brick and mortar
  58. bricks and mortar
  59. bright and early
  60. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
  61. bring-and-buy
  62. bubble and squeak
  63. bucket and spade
  64. building and pest
  65. bump and grind
  66. by guess or by gosh
  67. c&b
  68. cakes and ale
  69. cap and ball
  70. cap and trade
  71. cat and mouse
  72. caught and bowled
  73. Cav and Pag
  74. cease and desist
  75. chalk and talk
  76. cheap and cheerful
  77. checks and balances
  78. chew up and spit out
  79. chip and charge
  80. chip and PIN
  81. churn and burn
  82. chutes and ladders
  83. click and collect
  84. clicks and bricks
  85. clicks and mortar
  86. come and go
  87. coming and going
  88. Cookies and Cream
  89. couchant and levant
  90. country and western
  91. cowboys and Indians
  92. crash and burn
  93. crinkle-crankle
  94. cup-and-ball
  95. curds and whey
  96. cut and cover
  97. cut and dried
  98. cut and paste
  99. cut and thrust
  100. cut-and-shut
  101. cyst and decease
  102. Dad and Dave
  103. Daman and Diu
  104. damn and blast
  105. dandelion and burdock
  106. Darby and Joan
  107. David-and-Goliath
  108. day and age
  109. dead and buried
  110. dead and gone
  111. dead or alive
  112. deaf and dumb
  113. dean and chapter
  114. dine and dash
  115. ding-dong
  116. dingle-dangle
  117. divide and conquer
  118. dog and bone
  119. dog and cat
  120. done and dusted
  121. doom and gloom
  122. do-or-die
  123. dot and carry
  124. double or nothing
  125. double or quits
  126. drag and drop
  127. draw and quarter
  128. drawn and quartered
  129. dribs and drabs
  130. drill and bass
  131. drink and drive
  132. drum and bass
  133. drunk and disorderly
  134. duck and cover
  135. duck and dive
  136. ducks and geese
  137. each and every
  138. eff and blind
  139. effing and blinding
  140. eggs and bacon
  141. England and Wales
  142. fail and divot
  143. fast and furious
  144. fat and happy
  145. feal and divot
  146. feast or famine
  147. fight-or-flight
  148. fill and fly
  149. fine and dandy
  150. fire and brimstone
  151. fire and forget
  152. first and last
  153. fish and brewis
  154. fish or cut bait
  155. five-and-dime
  156. flotsam and jetsam
  157. fly and flop
  158. foot and mouth
  159. footloose and fancy free
  160. forgive and forget
  161. fox and geese
  162. free and clear
  163. free and easy
  164. Frick and Frack
  165. full and by
  166. fun and games
  167. gammon and spinach
  168. gas and dash
  169. gas and go
  170. gas-and-dash
  171. gee and haw
  172. gentle and simple
  173. gentle or simple
  174. gentleman and scholar
  175. gin and French
  176. gin and it
  177. gin and tonic
  178. give and take
  179. give-and-go
  180. good and proper
  181. grab and go
  182. grab-and-go
  183. grins-and-giggles
  184. grip-and-grin
  185. Guy and Pip
  186. H&C
  187. H&E
  188. hack-and-slash
  189. hail and ride
  190. hale and hearty
  191. hammer and tongs
  192. hare and hounds
  193. haw and gee
  194. head and ears
  195. head and shoulders
  196. hearts and rounds
  197. hell or high water
  198. hem and haw
  199. here and there
  200. hide and seek
  201. hide nor hair
  202. high and mighty
  203. his and hers
  204. hit and run
  205. hit-and-run
  206. hither and thither
  207. hither and yon
  208. hold with the hare and run with the hounds
  209. hole-and-corner
  210. home and dry
  211. home and hosed
  212. hook and eye
  213. hop n pop
  214. horse and cart
  215. horse and hattock
  216. horses for courses
  217. hot and heavy
  218. housie-housie
  219. huff and puff
  220. hum and ha
  221. hum and haw
  222. hump and dump
  223. hunt and peck
  224. hunt-and-peck
  225. hurry-skurry
  226. husband and wife
  227. if and when
  228. in and out
  229. ins and outs
  230. Jekyll and Hyde
  231. kicks-and-giggles
  232. kiss and cry
  233. kiss and ride
  234. kith and kin
  235. kith and kine
  236. knob-and-tube
  237. ladies and gentlemen
  238. ladles and jellyspoons
  239. lares and penates
  240. large and in charge
  241. Laurel and Hardy
  242. left and right
  243. lick and a promise
  244. life-or-death
  245. like it or lump it
  246. live and learn
  247. load-and-go
  248. lock and load
  249. look and feel
  250. loosey-goosey
  251. lord and master
  252. lords and ladies
  253. loud and clear
  254. man and boy
  255. man and wife
  256. Marks and Sparks
  257. meat and two veg
  258. meddle and make
  259. meet and greet
  260. meet-and-greet
  261. might and main
  262. mix and match
  263. mom and apple pie
  264. mom and pop
  265. mom-and-pop
  266. mortar and pestle
  267. motte and bailey
  268. mover and shaker
  269. Mr. and Mrs.
  270. Mutt and Jeff
  271. my way or the highway
  272. nearest and dearest
  273. neat and tidy
  274. neck and crop
  275. neck or nothing
  276. neither here nor there
  277. Newfoundland and Labrador
  278. nickel-and-dime
  279. niddy-noddy
  280. ning-nong
  281. nook and cranny
  282. north and south
  283. O&D
  284. O&S
  285. one and one
  286. one and only
  287. one or two
  288. one with another
  289. one-and-done
  290. one-and-one
  291. open and affirming
  292. open and shut
  293. open-and-shut
  294. out and about
  295. over and out
  296. pain and suffering
  297. park and ride
  298. part and parcel
  299. party and party costs
  300. party and play
  301. pass-and-play
  302. peace and quiet
  303. peaches and cream
  304. peaches-and-cream
  305. pen and ink
  306. pick and choose
  307. pick and pack
  308. pick and roll
  309. pinch and a punch for the first of the month
  310. pipe-and-slipper
  311. pish posh
  312. piss and vinegar
  313. pith and substance
  314. plinky-plonky
  315. plug and chug
  316. plug and feather
  317. plug and play
  318. plug and pray
  319. point-and-click
  320. point-and-shoot
  321. pony and trap
  322. pork and beans
  323. Posh 'n' Becks
  324. prim and proper
  325. pros and cons
  326. pump and dump
  327. Punch and Judy
  328. pure and simple
  329. purely and simply
  330. purser rigged and parish damned
  331. quick and dirty
  332. quick-and-dirty
  333. R & B
  334. R and R
  335. R&F
  336. R&R
  337. Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti
  338. rack and snail
  339. rainbows and unicorns
  340. rank and yank
  341. rap and rend
  342. reef and beef
  343. rhythm and blues
  344. ride or die
  345. rise and shine
  346. Romeo and Juliet
  347. room and board
  348. rough and ready
  349. rough and tumble
  350. rough-and-ready
  351. rough-and-tumble
  352. run and gun
  353. run-and-gun
  354. said and done
  355. sake and soke
  356. sale or return
  357. salmon and trout
  358. salt and pepper
  359. São Tomé and Príncipe
  360. scholar and gentleman
  361. scrimp and save
  362. search and rescue
  363. set-and-forget
  364. seven and seven
  365. sex and shopping
  366. shake and bake
  367. shape up or ship out
  368. sharks and minnows
  369. shimmy-shammy
  370. shipshape and Bristol fashion
  371. shit or get off the can
  372. shit or get off the pot
  373. shits-and-giggles
  374. shock and awe
  375. short and sweet
  376. shuck and jive
  377. sick and tired
  378. sing-song
  379. sink or swim
  380. sip and puff
  381. sit-and-go
  382. six and two threes
  383. skimp and save
  384. skin and blister
  385. skin and bones
  386. slap and tickle
  387. slash and burn
  388. slowly but surely
  389. smash and dash
  390. smoke and mirrors
  391. snakebite and black
  392. snakes and ladders
  393. snick or snee
  394. snipper-snapper
  395. snuff-and-butter
  396. soc and sac
  397. socan and sacan
  398. soil mechanics and engineering
  399. song and dance
  400. sooner or later
  401. spick and span
  402. spit and baling wire
  403. splash and dash
  404. splash-and-dash
  405. splash-and-go
  406. splash-dash
  407. stand and deliver
  408. sticks and stones
  409. stir-fry
  410. stitch and bitch
  411. stop and frisk
  412. stop and search
  413. stop-and-frisk
  414. stop-and-search
  415. stop-go
  416. straight and narrow
  417. stuff and nonsense
  418. sugar and spice
  419. suit and service
  420. suit and tie
  421. sunshine and rainbows
  422. surf and turf
  423. sweet-and-sour
  424. sweetness and light
  425. swings and roundabouts
  426. sword and sandal
  427. sword and sorcery
  428. syntheton
  429. T or C
  430. take-and-bake
  431. tap and go
  432. tar and feather
  433. tar-and-feather
  434. tear and wear
  435. terms and conditions
  436. the long and short
  437. them-and-us
  438. then-and-now
  439. there and back
  440. there and then
  441. thick and thin
  442. thick and threefold
  443. this and that
  444. three-and-out
  445. thrills and spills
  446. thus and so
  447. tick and flick
  448. time and material
  449. time and materials
  450. tod and lambs
  451. toil and moil
  452. tool and die
  453. tooth and nail
  454. top and but
  455. tops-and-bottoms
  456. toss and turn
  457. touch-and-go
  458. town and gown
  459. track and field
  460. trials and tribulations
  461. trick or treat
  462. trick-or-treat
  463. tried and tested
  464. tried and true
  465. trouble and strife
  466. Truth or Consequences
  467. truth or dare
  468. Tweedledum and Tweedledee
  469. twig and berries
  470. twittle-twattle
  471. two and eight
  472. Tyne and Wear
  473. up and under
  474. up or out
  475. Urim and Thummim
  476. us-and-them
  477. Vi and Bot
  478. vim and vigor
  479. wait-and-see
  480. wake and bake
  481. watch and act
  482. watch and ward
  483. watch and watch
  484. wedge-and-dash
  485. well and good
  486. well and truly
  487. whiff whaff
  488. whistle and flute
  489. whys and wherefores
  490. Windsor and Maidenhead
  491. yes and no
  492. a little from column A, a little from column B
  493. airy fairy
  494. all singing, all dancing
  495. argy-bargy
  496. arsy varsy
  497. arty-farty
  498. Barmy Army
  499. beanie-weenies
  500. Berber
  501. bibblebabble
  502. bibble-babble
  503. big house, little house, back house, barn
  504. boogie-woogie
  505. bow-wow
  506. bric-a-brac
  507. bud-bud-ding-ding
  508. bunny wunny
  509. chiffchaff
  510. ching chong
  511. chit-chat
  512. chug-a-lug
  513. chunky monkey
  514. clip-clop
  515. clippety-cloppety
  516. creepy-peepy
  517. crincum-crancum
  518. cuckoo
  519. day in, day out
  520. diddle-daddle
  521. dimber damber
  522. din-dins
  523. ding-a-ling
  524. do not pass go, do not collect $200
  525. do not pass go, do not collect £200
  526. doggy woggy
  527. don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursue
  528. double-trouble
  529. driver reviver
  530. duck, duck, goose
  531. easy peasy
  532. easy peasy Japanesey
  533. easy peasy lemon squeezy
  534. easy-breezy
  535. eensy-weensy
  536. fam-bam
  537. fee-fees
  538. fight fire with fire
  539. fingle-fangle
  540. fishy wishy
  541. flim-flam
  542. freaky-deaky
  543. fuckaduck
  544. fuddle-duddle
  545. fuddy-duddy
  546. Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel
  547. fuzzy-wuzzy
  548. gang bang
  549. gender bender
  550. ginger minger
  551. goo goo ga ga
  552. hacky sack
  553. handy dandy
  554. handy-dandy
  555. happy-clappy
  556. he said, she said
  557. he say, she say
  558. heebie-jeebies
  559. herky-jerky
  560. higgle-haggle
  561. hink pink
  562. hippie-dippie
  563. hippy-dippy
  564. hity-tity
  565. hobson-jobson
  566. hokeypokey
  567. hoky-poky
  568. holy moley
  569. home away from home
  570. hotsy-totsy
  571. humdrum
  572. Humpty Dumpty
  573. hurlyburly
  574. hustle and bustle
  575. incy wincy
  576. ing-bing
  577. it is what it is
  578. itsy-bitsy
  579. itty bitty
  580. itty-bitty
  581. jeepers creepers
  582. jellybelly
  583. jibber-jabber
  584. jiggery-pokery
  585. jigjog
  586. jimjams
  587. keepie-uppie
  588. keepy uppy
  589. kiddy widdy
  590. kitty witty
  591. kitty-cat
  592. look-down, shoot-down
  593. looky-loo
  594. loosey goosey
  595. lovely jubbly
  596. lovey-dovey
  597. M&M's
  598. middle for diddle
  599. mingle-mangle
  600. mixty-maxty
  601. mixy-matchy
  602. mumbo jumbo
  603. na-na na-na boo-boo
  604. nudge nudge wink wink
  605. nulla nulla
  606. nulla-nulla
  607. okey dokey
  608. okey-dokey
  609. on-again, off-again
  610. one for all, all for one
  611. one potato, two potato
  612. one step forward, two steps back
  613. O-ring
  614. over and over again
  615. party hardy
  616. party hearty
  617. piggy wiggy
  618. piggy-wig
  619. ping pong
  620. pittle-pattle
  621. pompom
  622. pooper scooper
  623. pop-pop
  624. prittle-prattle
  625. purple nurple
  626. ragbag
  627. rat-a-tat-tat
  628. razzle-dazzle
  629. ring-a-ding
  630. rocket docket
  631. rubby-dub
  632. rugger bugger
  633. rumpy-pumpy
  634. Rye-Rye
  635. say on pay
  636. Silly Billy
  637. Slip Slop Slap
  638. smile from ear to ear
  639. smoochy-woochy
  640. snicker-snack
  641. snip-snap
  642. super-duper
  643. teensy weensy
  644. teeny weeny
  645. teeny-tiny
  646. teeny-weeny
  647. teeter-totter
  648. the bee's knees
  649. there is no "there" there
  650. there is no there there
  651. there's no "there" there
  652. three up, three down
  653. tic tac
  654. tick-tock
  655. ticky-tacky
  656. tic-tac
  657. tic-tac-toe
  658. tit-for-tat
  659. too little, too late
  660. tootsy-wootsy
  661. topsy-turvy
  662. tozy-mozy
  663. trolley dolly
  664. trusty dusty
  665. tuk tuk
  666. two-up-two-down
  667. whippersnapper
  668. whipper-snapper
  669. whoopsy-daisy
  670. wibble-wobble
  671. wibbly-wobbly
  672. wifty-wafty
  673. will-they-won't-they
  674. WWWWW
  675. yackety-yak
  676. year in, year out
  677. yo ho ho
  678. zig-zag