Documentation for this module may be created at Modul:ziman/dane3/n/belge

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)

local Deva = {"Deva"}
local Latn = {"Latn"}

local m = {}

m["naa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nab"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nambiquara", "Nambicuara", "Nambikuara", "Southern Nambikuára"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nac"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nae"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["naf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nag"] = {
    "naga pidginî",
	otherNames = {"Nagamese"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"as"},

m["nah"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["naj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nak"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nal"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nam"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ngan'gi", "Nangikurrunggurr"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nan"] = {
	otherNames = {"hokkî", "taywanî", "Amoy", "şiamenî"},
	scripts = {"Hani", "Latn"},
	wikimedia_codes = {"zh-min-nan"},

m["nao"] = {
	otherNames = {"Naapa", "Nawa Sherpa"},
	ancestors = {"xct"},

m["nap"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["naq"] = {
	otherNames = {"xoexoeyî", "hottentotî"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nar"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nas"] = {
	otherNames = {"Naasioi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nat"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["naw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nax"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nay"] = {
	otherNames = {"yaraldî"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["naz"] = {
    "nahwatliya koatepek",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nba"] = {
	ancestors = {"lch"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbe"] = {
    "konyak nagayî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbg"] = {
	ancestors = {"gon"},

m["nbh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbi"] = {
    "mao nagayî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbm"] = {
    "ngbaka ma'boyî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nabi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ningye", "Numana-Nunku-Gbantu-Numbu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbs"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê namibî",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["nbt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bangni"},
	scripts = {"Deva", "Latn"},

m["nbu"] = {
    "rongmei nagayî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nbw"] = {
    "ngbandiya başûrî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nby"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nca"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncb"] = {
    "nicobariya navendî",
	otherNames = {"Nancowry", "Nankwari", "Camorta", "Kamorta", "Katchal", "Tehnu"},
	scripts = {"Deva", "Latn"},

m["ncc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncd"] = {
	scripts = Deva,

m["nce"] = {
	"paa", --kwomtari or isolate
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nch"] = {
    "nahwatliya huastecaya navendî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nci"] = {
    "nahwatliya klasîk",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ā", "ā", "Ē", "ē", "Ī", "ī", "Ō", "ō", "Ū", "ū", "Ȳ", "ȳ"},
		to   = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "Y", "y"}

m["ncj"] = {
    "nahwatliya bakurê puebla",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nck"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncl"] = {
    "nahwatliya mîçoakanê",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nco"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncr"] = {
	ancestors = {"nhu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncs"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê nikaragî",
	scripts = {"Sgnw"},

m["nct"] = {
    "çothe nagayî",
	otherNames = {"Chothe"},
	scripts = {"Beng", "Latn"},

m["ncu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncx"] = {
    "nahwatliya pueblaya navendî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ncz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nda"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndb"] = {
    "kenswei nseî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndi"] = {
    "çamba lekoyî",
	otherNames = {"Samba Leko", "Samba Leeko"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndl"] = {
	ancestors = {"lse"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nds"] = {
	otherNames = {"saksoniya jêrîn", "elmaniya jêrîn ya nûjen"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"gml"},

m["ndt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ndz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nea"] = {
    "ngad'ayiya rojhilatî",

m["neb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nec"] = {

m["ned"] = {

m["nee"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nêlêmwa-Nixumwak", "Nêlêmwa", "Nixumwak", "Nenema"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nef"] = {

m["neg"] = {
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},

m["neh"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nyen", "Henka", "Mangsdekha", "Phobjip", "Mangdep", "Mangde", "Hen Kha", "Henkha", "Mandebi-kha", "Nehan", "Phobjikha", "Chutobikha"},
	scripts = {"Tibt", "Latn"},

m["nej"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nek"] = {

m["nem"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nen"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["neo"] = {

m["neq"] = {
    "mixeyiya navendî ya bakur",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ner"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nes"] = {
    "bhoti kinnaurî",

m["net"] = {

m["neu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nev"] = {

m["new"] = {
	otherNames = {"Newari"},
	scripts = {"Deva", "Newa"},
	ancestors = {"nwx"},
	translit_module = "translit-redirect",

m["nex"] = {

m["ney"] = {

m["nez"] = {
    "nez perceyî",
	otherNames = {"Nez Percé", "Numipu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nfa"] = {

m["nfd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nfl"] = {
	otherNames = {"Äiwoo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nfr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nfu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nga"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ngbaka Gbaya", "Ngbaka Minagende"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngb"] = {
    "ngbandiya bakurî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngc"] = {
    "ngombeyî (Kongo)",
	otherNames = {"Ngombe (Democratic Republic of the Kongo)", "Lingombe"},

m["ngd"] = {
    "ngandoyî (Komara Afrîkaya Navendî)",
	otherNames = {"Bagandou", "Ngando", "Bangandou"},

m["nge"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngg"] = { -- compare 'aiy'
    "ngbaka manzayî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngh"] = {
	otherNames = {"nǁng"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngm"] = {
    "kreyoliya ngatikî",
	otherNames = {"Ngatikese", "Ngatikese Pidgin", "Ngatikese Creole"},
	ancestors = {"en", "pon"},

m["ngn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kriang", "Ngkriang"},

m["ngu"] = {
    "nahwatliya guerrero",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngv"] = {

m["ngw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ngz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nha"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhc"] = {
    "nahwatliya tabasco",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ava Guarani", "Chiripá Guarani", "Nhandéva"},
	ancestors = {"gn"},

m["nhe"] = {
    "nahwatliya huastekaya rojhilatî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhg"] = {
    "nahwatliya tetelcingo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhh"] = {
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["nhi"] = {
    "nahwatliya zacatlan-ahuacatlan-tepetzintla",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhk"] = {
    "nahwatliya cosoleacaque",
	otherNames = {"Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl", "Cosoleacaque Isthmus Nahuatl"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhm"] = {
    "nahwatliya morelos",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhn"] = {
    "nahwatliya navendî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nho"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhp"] = {
    "nahwatliya pajapan",
	otherNames = {"Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl", "Pajapan Isthmus Nahuatl"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhq"] = {
    "nahwatliya huaxcaleca",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nht"] = {
    "nahwatliya ometepec",

m["nhu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhv"] = {
    "nahwatliya temascaltepec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhw"] = {
    "nahwatliya huastecaya rojavayî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhx"] = {
    "nahwatliya mekayapan",
	otherNames = {"nahuatliya Isthmus-Mecayapan", "nahuatliya Mecayapan Isthmus"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhy"] = {
    "nahwatliya oaxakaya bakurî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nhz"] = {
    "nahwatliya santa maria la alta",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nia"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nib"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nid"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nie"] = {

m["nif"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nig"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nih"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nii"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nij"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nik"] = {
    "nikobariya başûrî",

m["nil"] = {

m["nim"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nin"] = {

m["nio"] = {
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},

m["niq"] = {

m["nir"] = {

m["nis"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nit"] = {
    "kolamiya başûr-rojhilatî",
	otherNames = {"Naiki"},

m["niu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["niv"] = {
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "niv-translit",

m["niw"] = {

m["nix"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["niy"] = {

m["niz"] = {

m["nja"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["njb"] = {
    "nocte nagayî",

m["njh"] = {
    "lotha nagayî",

m["nji"] = {

m["njj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["njl"] = {

m["njm"] = {

m["njn"] = {
    "liangmai nagayî",

m["njo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mongsen Ao", "Ao Naga"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["njr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["njs"] = {

m["njt"] = {
    "ndyuka-trio pidginî",
	ancestors = {"djk", "tri"},

m["nju"] = {

m["njx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["njy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["njz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nishi", "Nisi", "Nissi", "Nishing", "Nyising", "Bangni", "Dafla", "Daphla", "Lel"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nka"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkb"] = {
    "khoibu nagayî",

m["nkc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkd"] = {

m["nke"] = {

m["nkf"] = {
    "inpui nagayî",

m["nkg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkh"] = {
    "khezha nagayî",

m["nki"] = {
    "thangal nagayî",

m["nkj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkk"] = {

m["nkm"] = {

m["nkn"] = {
	ancestors = {"mck"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nko"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkp"] = {

m["nkq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nks"] = {
    "asmatiya bakur",

m["nkt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nyiha", "Kinyika", "Kinyiha", "Nyixa", "Chinyika"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nku"] = {
    "bouna kulangoyî",

-- nkv is treated as nkt, see WT:LT

m["nkw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nkx"] = {

m["nkz"] = {
	ancestors = {"ibr"},

m["nla"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hmanggona", "Hmonono", "Kimjal"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nle"] = {
    "nyalayiya rojhilat",
	ancestors = {"luy"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nli"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nangalami"},

m["nlj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlk"] = {
    "ninia yalî",

m["nll"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva", "Latn"},

m["nlm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tarawara", "Tarawari", "Trawara"},

m["nlo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlq"] = {
    "lao nagayî",

m["nlu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlv"] = {
    "nahwatliya orizaba",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlw"] = {

m["nlx"] = {

m["nly"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nlz"] = {

m["nma"] = {
    "maram nagayî",

m["nmb"] = {
    "nambasiya mezin",

m["nmc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nme"] = {
    "mzieme nagayî",

m["nmf"] = {
    "tangkhul nagayî",
	otherNames = {"Tangkhul"},

m["nmg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmh"] = {
    "monsang nagayî",

m["nmi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmj"] = {
    "ngombeyî (Komara Afrîkaya Navendî)",
	otherNames = {"Bagando-Ngombe", "Ngombe-Kaka", "Bangando-Ngombe", "Ngombe"},

m["nmk"] = {

m["nml"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Manang", "Manange", "Manang Ke", "Nyishang", "Nyishangte", "Nyishangba"},
	scripts = {"Tibt", "Deva"},

m["nmn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Xoo", "Taa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmo"] = {
    "moyon nagayî",
	otherNames = {"Moyon"},

m["nmp"] = {

m["nmq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmr"] = {

m["nms"] = {

m["nmt"] = {

m["nmu"] = {
    "maiduyiya bakur-rojhilat",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nmw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Rifao"},

m["nmy"] = {

m["nmz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nna"] = {

m["nnb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnd"] = {
    "ambaeyiya rojava",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nne"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnf"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mailang", "Sor"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nng"] = {
    "maring nagayî",

m["nnh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nni"] = {
    "nuauluyiya bakur",

m["nnj"] = {

m["nnk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnl"] = {
    "nagayiya rengmaya bakur",

m["nnm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnp"] = {

m["nnq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnr"] = {

m["nnt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnv"] = {

m["nnw"] = {
    "nuniya başûrî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnx"] = {

m["nny"] = { -- contrast aus-ynk
	scripts = Latn,

m["nnz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["noa"] = {
    "woun meuyî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["noc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nod"] = {
    "tayiya bakurî",
	aliases = {"Kam Mueang", "Kam Muang", "Lanna"},
	scripts = {"Lana", "Thai"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[%pᪧๆ]", "[᩠ᩳ-᩿]", "ᩔ", "ᩕ", "ᩖ", "ᩘ", "([ᨭ-ᨱ])ᩛ", "([ᨷ-ᨾ])ᩛ", "ᩤ", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
		to   = {"", "", "ᩈᩈ", "ᩁ", "ᩃ", "ᨦ", "%1ᨮ", "%1ᨻ", "ᩣ", "", "%2%1"}},

m["noe"] = {
	scripts = Deva,
	ancestors = {"raj"},

m["nof"] = {

m["nog"] = {
	otherNames = {"nogay"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Arab", "Latn"},
	translit_module = "nog-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["noh"] = {

m["noi"] = {

m["noj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nok"] = {

m["nol"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nom"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["non"] = {
    "norsiya kevn",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Runr"},
	translit_module = "translit-redirect",

m["nop"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["noq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nos"] = {
    "nisuyiya rojhilatî",

m["not"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nou"] = {

m["nov"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["now"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["noy"] = {

m["noz"] = {

m["npa"] = {
    "nar phuyî",

m["npb"] = {

m["npg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ponyo-Gongwang", "Ponyo-Gongwang Naga"},

m["nph"] = {

m["npl"] = {
    "nahwatliya pueblaya başûr-rojhilatî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["npn"] = {

m["npo"] = {
    "poçuri nagayî",

m["nps"] = {

m["npu"] = {
    "puimei nagayî",

m["npy"] = {

m["nqg"] = {
    "ede nagoyî",

m["nqk"] = {
    "kura ede nagoyî",

m["nql"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nqm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nqn"] = {

m["nqo"] = {
	scripts = {"Nkoo"},

m["nqq"] = {
    "kyan-karyaw nagayî",

m["nqy"] = {
    "akyaung arî",
	otherNames = {"Akyaung Ari Naga"},

m["nra"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nrb"] = {

m["nrc"] = {
	scripts = {"Ital"},

m["nre"] = {
    "rengma nagayiya başûr",

m["nrf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"frm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâä]", "[éèêë]", "[íìîï]", "[óòôö]", "[úùûü]", "[ýỳŷÿ]", "ç", "æ" , "œ" , "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "y"	 , "c", "ae", "oe"}} ,
	wikimedia_codes = {"nrm"},

m["nrg"] = {

m["nri"] = {
    "çokri nagayî",

m["nrk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nrl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nrm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nrn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"non"},

m["nrp"] = {
    "pîkeneyiya bakur",
	scripts = {"Ital"},
	translit_module = "Ital-translit",

m["nrr"] = {

m["nrt"] = {
    "kalapuyayî bakurî",

m["nru"] = {

m["nrx"] = {

m["nrz"] = {
    "lalayî (Gîneya nû)",

m["nsa"] = {
    "sangtam nagayî",

m["nsc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsd"] = {
    "nisuyiya başûrî",

m["nse"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsg"] = {

m["nsh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsi"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê nîjeryayî",

m["nsk"] = {
	scripts = {"Cans"},
	ancestors = {"cr"},
	translit_module = "nsk-translit",

m["nsl"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê norwecî",

m["nsm"] = {

m["nsn"] = {

m["nso"] = {
    "sotoyiya bakur",
	scripts = Latn,
	otherNames = {"sepedî"},

m["nsp"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê nepalî",

m["nsq"] = {
    "miwokiya sierraya bakurî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsr"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê maritimeyî",

m["nss"] = {

m["nst"] = {

m["nsu"] = {
    "nahwatliya sierra negra",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsv"] = {
    "nisuyiya başûr-rojavayî",

m["nsw"] = {

m["nsx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nsy"] = {

m["nsz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ntd"] = {
    "tidongiya bakurî",
	otherNames = {"Sesayap Tidong", "Northern Tidung", "Sesayap Tidung"},

m["nte"] = {
	otherNames = {"Sakati"},

m["ntg"] = {

m["nti"] = {

m["ntj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ntk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ntm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nto"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ntp"] = {
    "tepehuaniya bakurî",
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}

m["ntr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nts"] = {

m["ntu"] = {

m["ntw"] = {

m["ntx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tangkhul Naga", "Burmese Tangkhul", "Somra Tangkhul"},

m["nty"] = {

m["nua"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuc"] = {

m["nud"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nue"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuf"] = {

m["nug"] = {

m["nuh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nui"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kombe"},

m["nuj"] = {
    "nyolî (Uganda)",
	otherNames = {"Nyole", "LoNyole", "Lunyole", "Nyuli"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuk"] = {
	otherNames = {"nuu-chah-nulth", "nuuchahnulth", "t'aat'aaqsapa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nul"] = {
    "nusa lautî",

m["num"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nun"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nung"}, -- also mistakenly assigned the name "Ayi" by the ISO

m["nuo"] = {

m["nup"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nupe-Nupe-Tako"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuq"] = {

m["nur"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nukuria"},

m["nus"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nut"] = {

m["nuu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuv"] = {
    "nuniya bakurî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuw"] = {

m["nux"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nuy"] = {
	otherNames = {"Wubuy"},

m["nuz"] = {
    "nahwatliya tlamacazapa",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nvh"] = {

m["nvm"] = {

m["nvo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nwa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nwb"] = {

m["nwc"] = {
    "newariya klasîk",
	otherNames = {"Classical Newari"},

m["nwe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nwi"] = {
    "tannayiya başûr-rojava",

m["nwm"] = {

m["nwo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nawo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nwr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Sirio"},

m["nwx"] = {
    "newariya navîn",
	otherNames = {"Middle Newari"},
	ancestors = {"nwc"},

m["nwy"] = {

m["nxa"] = {

m["nxd"] = {
    "ngandoyî (Kongo)",
	otherNames = {"Ngando (Democratic Republic of the Kongo)", "Longandu"},

m["nxe"] = {

m["nxg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ngad'a"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxl"] = {
    "nuauluyiya başûr",

m["nxm"] = {
	scripts = {"Tfng", "Latn"}, --Tfng may not support all the needed characters

m["nxn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxq"] = {

m["nxr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nxx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyd"] = {
    "nyolî (Kenya)",
	otherNames = {"Nyole", "Nyore", "Olunyole", "Lunyole", "Lunyore", "Nyoole", "Olunyore"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nye"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyj"] = {
    "nyangayî (Kongo)",
	otherNames = {"Kinyanga", "Nyanga"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyl"] = {

m["nym"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nkore-Kiga", "Runyankore", "Runyankore-Rukiga", "Nkore", "Kiga", "Chiga", "Nyankore", "Ankole", "Banyankole", "Lunyankole", "Rukiga"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyp"] = {

m["nys"] = {
	otherNames = {"Noongar", "Nyuunga"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyt"] = {

m["nyu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyw"] = {
	aliases = {"Tai Mene", "Tai Yo"},
	scripts = {"Thai", "Latn"}, -- Vietnamese alphabet

m["nyx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nyy"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kinyakyusa", "Nyakyusa-Ngonde"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["nza"] = {
    "tigon mbembeyî",
	scripts = Latn,

m["nzb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nzd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ngiemba", "Lensibun", "Ndzé Ntaa"},
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[ÀÂǍÁ]", "[àâǎá]", "[ÈÊĚÉ]", "[èêěé]", "[ÌÎǏÍ]", "[ìîǐí]", "[ÒÔǑÓ]", "[òôǒó]", "[ÙÛǓÚ]", "[ùûǔú]", "[ǹń]", "ḿ", "[`ˋ]", GRAVE, CIRC, CARON, ACUTE},
		to   = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "n", "m"}},

m["nzi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Appolo"},

m["nzk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nzm"] = {
    "zeme nagayî",

m["nzs"] = {
    "zimanê destan ê zelandaya nû",

m["nzu"] = {
    "tekeyiya navendî",

m["nzy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["nzz"] = {
    "nanga dama dogonî",

return m