Kategorî:Hoker bi îngilîzî
!Serkategorî » Hemû ziman » Îngilîzî » Rêziman » Hoker
Peyvên îngilîzî yên ku dem, cih yan awayê kirinê diyar dikin.
Di vê kategoriyê de 2 binkategorî hene. Jêr 2 binkategorî tên nîşandan.
- Formên hokeran bi îngilîzî (13 R)
Gotarên di kategoriya "Hoker bi îngilîzî" de
Di vê kategoriyê de 1300 rûpel hene. Jêr 200 rûpel tên nîşandan.
rûpela berî vê ↔ rûpela pêşA
- a baculo
- a bit
- a capella
- a cappella
- a couple of days
- a fortiori
- a la carte
- a little
- a mensa et thoro
- a priori
- a raft of
- a. m.
- A. M.
- a.m.
- A.M.
- aback
- abask
- abeyant
- abo
- aboue
- about
- aboute
- abowt
- abread
- abroad
- abruptly
- absent-mindedly
- absentmindedly
- absolutely
- accidentally
- according to
- accurately
- acock
- across
- actually
- ad interim
- adamantly
- admirably
- advisedly
- afar
- affirmatively
- afield
- afoot
- afore
- aforetime
- afresh
- aft
- after
- afterwards
- again
- against
- agewise
- aggregately
- ago
- ahead
- aimlessly
- airily
- ajar
- akimbo
- alas
- alfresco
- alike
- all but
- all night
- all of a sudden
- all over
- all over again
- all the same
- all-out
- alleged
- allegedly
- aloft
- alone
- along
- along with
- aloof
- already
- also
- also known as
- alternatively
- although
- altogether
- always
- am
- AM
- amain
- amaine
- ambiguously
- amock
- amply
- amuck
- ana
- anachronistically
- andante
- anew
- angrily
- annoyingly
- anon
- answerable
- ante meridiem
- antemeridiem
- anxiously
- any minute now
- any time now
- anymore
- anywhere
- apace
- apart from
- apeak
- apeek
- aport
- apparently
- approximately
- as
- as a matter of fact
- as a result
- as a rule
- as for the rest
- as it were
- as much again
- as of now
- as soon as
- as soon as possible
- as usual
- ashamedly
- ashore
- aside
- askance
- askew
- asquint
- astern
- astir
- astoundingly
- astraddle
- asunder
- at a distance
- at a glance
- at an early age
- at every turn
- at its zenith
- at last
- at least
- at most
- at the same time
- athwart
- attaboy
- au contraire
- au fond
- auf Teufel komm raus
- aught
- aunswerable
- away
- awfully
- awhile
- back
- back to back
- badly
- barefacedly
- barely
- basically
- be it as it may
- be that as it may
- beastly
- beautifully
- before
- before long
- beforehand
- behind someone's back
- behindhand
- berî demekê
- biennially
- bimonthly
- bis
- bit by bit
- bitterly
- blatantly
- blithely
- bluntly
- Bob's your uncle
- boldly
- both handed
- both-handed
- bravely
- breathlessly
- briefly
- briskly
- brother
- by all accounts
- by and large
- by force
- by rote
- by the way
- bye
- bye-bye