A bouwsteen (=building block) is any stone/brick whatever that you can build with. A baksteen is a bouwsteen but a bouwsteen is not always a baksteen. What you show on the photograph are bakstenen used as bouwstenen. A tichel is something mentioned in the Bible and impossible to use in wet Holland: it is something used in the Middle East made of mud and straw and merely dried in the sun. Jcwf (g · b · a)
Li ser bouwsteen gotûbêjekê bide destpêkirin
Rûpelên gotûbêjê cihê ku mirov lê nîqaş dike ka meriv dikare çawa naverokeke baş li ser Wîkîferhengê çêke. Tu dikarî vê rûpelê ji bo destpêkirina gotûbêjekê li ser çawa baştirkirina bouwsteen bi kar bînî.