agadarî!: ev lapere li ber têst kirin hatye çê kirin this page is for test!
in this article some problems of latin-to-arabic converting program codes are described and some resolves are proposed.
note1!: the proposed resolve codes must be runned consecutivly according to the number of problems. for examle at first all "û,e(ye),i,î,in" circumferenced by two spaces or punctuation characters must be converted then rest of latin letters are converted to arabic.
note2!: problem a4 and problem a5 resolves are similar and can be merged when altering the program codes.
note3!: problem a7 and problem a8 resolves are similar and can be merged when altering the program codes.
note4!: difference between code writing or latin type writing direction (left to right) and arabic writing direction (rigth to left) can make some unwanted effects so the codes result must be reviewed befor publishing.
problem a1 description:incorrect converting two consecutive vowels in a word.
problem examples:
benîadem, biaxivin
- wrong: بەنیادەم، باخڤن
- correct: بەنیئادەم، بئاخڤن
Şiklê ku we dîtî bêmeal bû
- wrong: شکلێ کو وە دیتی بێمەال بوو
- correct: شکلێ کو وە دیتی بێمەئال بوو
*Têbînî: her kat dû pît dengdar weku a,e,ê,i,u,û,o,ö,ü dekewin pal yektr li tîpên erebi dibet hemze ,,ئ,, li nêwan dû pît bê.
*Problem: tow vowels can locate next to each other in latin type but when converting to arabic type, one hamza(ئ) must be added between them.
*Resolve: every where two vowels are finded with no space one hamze(ئ) must be added between them.
problem a2 description:converting the word "û" is not suitable.
problem examples:
req û hişk û reş
- wrong: رەقئوو هشکئوو رەش
- correct: رەق و هشک و رەش
Ew û jina xwe hatin.
- wrong: ئەوئوو ژنا خوە هاتن.
- correct: ئەو و ژنا خوە هاتن.
*Têbînî: wişeya ,,û,, li tîpên erebi baştire bibe be ,,و,, û nabe biçesbe bi wşeya pêşîn
*Problem: the word "û" means "and" in kurdish. when converting to arabic type it is replaced by "ئوو" and the prior apace is deleted and "ئوو" is attached to prior word.
*Resolve: every where "space1+û+space2" is finded in text it must be replaced by "space1+و+space2"
problem a3 description:auxiliary verbs like im,î,e(ye),in must not be seperated from prior word in arabic type.
problem examples:
jina wî ne kurd e.
- wrong: ژنا وی نە کوردئە
- correct: ژنا وی نە کوردە
meyla we bi qismê jin mehal e
- wrong: مەیلا وە ب قسمێ ژن مەهالئە
- correct: مەیلا وە ب قسمێ ژن مەهالە
*Têbînî: formên lêker wekû im,î,e(ye),in li tîpên erebî deçesbin bi wşeya pêş û hemze(ئ) nagirin
*Problem: some auxiliary verbs like (im,î,e(ye),in) are seperated from prior word in latin type. when converting to arabic type every "word+space1+latin vowel+ space2" are replaced according two general pattern "word+hamza(ئ)+arabic vowel+ space2"
*Resolve: every "word+space1+auxiliary verbs (im,î,e(ye),in)+ space2 or punctuation characters" must be replaced by"word+auxiliary verbs arabic equivalent(im-م,î-ی,e-ه,ye-یه,in-ن) + space2 or punctuation characters"
problem a4 description:when converting vowels following a space a hamza(ئ) is added between the space and vowel.converter program does it properly but finally moves the space to after the vowel that is incorrect.
problem examples:
mîna Fêdkayê min esmer î
- wrong: مینا فێدکایێ منئە سمەرئی
- correct: مینا فێدکایێ من ئەسمەری
digel ku emrê
- wrong: دگەل کوئە مرێ
- correct: دگەل کو ئەمرێ
qerqef bila ateş bitin
- wrong: قەرقەف بلائا تەش بتن
- correct: قەرقەف بلا ئاتەش بتن
*Têbînî: her wişeyek bi pîtên dengdar wekû a,e,ê,î,i,u,û,o,ö,ü dest pê dikat diçesbêt bi wişeya pêş û li paşa pîta yekem fasîle dikewê ku heleye.
*Problem: every word that begins with vowels inkluding a,e,ê,î,i,u,û,o,ö,ü attachs to prior word and after the vowel one additional spase is added to the vowel indeed the prior space is moved to after of vowel. the code is implemented incorrectly. I guess every "space+vowel" is replaced by "hamza(ئ)+arabic vowel+space"
*Resolve: vowels in beginnig of words namly "space+vowel" must be replaced by "space+hamza(ئ)+arabic vowel" and no additional space. here the code writing direction(left to right) and arabic writing direction(right to left) may interfer and it must be tested to find the final correct result.
problem a5 description:when converting vowels following a space a hamza(ئ) is added between the space and vowel. this task is performed by converting program properly and it must be performed for any word following punctuation characters or the first word of whole text or text line but the program perform it just for the words following a space.
problem examples:
- wrong: ەقرەبا
- correct: ئەقرەبا
- wrong: افرەت
- correct: ئافرەت
- wrong: ستوونکۆنان
- correct: ئستوونکۆنان
ademî, ademîzad, insan,
- wrong: ادەمی، ادەمیزاد، نسان
- correct: ئادەمی، ئادەمیزاد، ئنسان
*Têbînî: 1.pîtên dengdar wekû a,e,ê,i,î,u,û,o,ö,ü li seretayê wişe li tîpên erebî debê hemze ,,ئ,, bigirin. 2. pîta ,,i,, li seretayê wişe debê bibe bi hemze ,,ئ,,.
*Problem: every word that begins with vowels like a,e,ê,i,î,u,û,o,ö,ü when converting to arabic type must get one additional hamza(ئ) but if there be no space befor word the hamza(ئ) is not added. indeed the implemented code adds the hamza only if there is one space befor the beginning vowel but it must do the same behaviour if there is any punctuation characters ",.'[]{}()-_+`~!@#$%^&*:;<>?..." befor the word or if the word is the firts word of text lines.
*Resolve: any "punctuation character or space+ vowels" must be replaced by "punctuation character or space + hamza(ئ) + vowels"
problem a6 description:some formal latin letters are not converted to arabic letters
problem examples:
pîtên taybet û pîtên soranî
*Têbînî: çend pîtên kurdi ku li soranî û kelhurî û lekî zor girîng in naçine ser tîpên erebî li katê ghorandin
*Problem:some formal kurdish letters like Łł (ll) • Ňň • Řř (rr) • Öö • Üü 'E'e • Ÿÿ - Ẍ ẍ - Ḧ ḧ are not replaced by equivalent arabic letters.
*Resolve:these letters must be replaced by their equivalents (Łł~ڵ)-(Ňň~ݩ)-(Řř~ڕ)-(Öö~ۏۇ)-(Üü~ۊ)-('E'e~ئ)-(Ÿÿ~ع)-(Çç~چ)-(Êê~ێ)-(Îî~ی)-(Şş~ش)-(Ûû~وو)-(Ẍẍ~غ)-(Ḧḧ~ح)
problem a7 description:IPA code letters must not be vonverted to arabic letters.
problem example:
• IPA(kilîd): /ʒɪn/
- wrong: /ʒɪن/
- correct: /ʒɪn/
*Têbînî: li beşî ,Bilêvkirin, wişeyek ku bi koda IPA hatye nûsîn nabê biçête ser tîpên erebî. dikarin bo nimûne kodek binivîsin ku wişên li nêwan // neghorê bo tîpên erebî
*Problem: in the pronunciation(Bilêvkirin) part, IPA codes are partially convertd to arabic type but they must not to be convertd.
*Resolve: the IPA letters must locate between slashes // and the words between slashs // must not be convertd to arabic type.
problem a8 description:IPA code letters must not be vonverted to arabic letters.
problem example:
Ji proto-hindûewropî *gʷḗn, forma çemandî ya *gʷnéh₂-.
- wrong: *گʷḗن
- correct: *gʷḗn
*Têbînî: li beşî ,Etîmolojî, wişeyek ku bi koda IPA hatye nûsîn nabêt biçête ser tîpên erebî. dikarin bo nimûne kodek binivîsin ku wişên li newan //.
*Problem: in the Etimology(Etîmolojî) part, IPA codes are partially convertd to arabic type but they must not to be convertd.
*Resolve: the words between slashs // must not be convertd to arabic type.
problem b1 description:some neglected latin formal letters must be added to help tools part.
problem example:
pîtên taybet li tîpên latîn
Łł (ll) • Ňň • Řř (rr) • Öö • Üü 'E'e • Ÿÿ -
Ç ç Ê ê Î î Ş ş Û û Ẍ ẍ Ḧ ḧ
*Têbînî: le beşa alîkarî û tevl kirdinê pîtên latîn li xuarê pereya destkarî hendek le pîtan nîne.
*Problem: in the help part below edit page ("tevlî bike" part) you can add speciall latin kurdish letters but some latin characters are not there like: Łł(ll),Ňň,Řř(rr),Öö,Üü,'E'e,Ÿÿ
*Resolve: speciall latin characters(Łł,Ňň,Řř,Öö,Üü,'E'e,Ÿÿ) must be added to "tevlî bike" part in below of edit page
problem b2 description:some neglected arabic formal letters must be added to help tools part.
pîtên soranî ݩ,ۇ,ۊ,ئ,ع,غ,ح
*Têbînî: le beşa alîkarî û tevl kirdnê pîtên soranî li xuarê pereya destkarî hîç pîtên soranî tuneye
*Problem: in the help part below edit page ("sorani" part) you can add speciall arabic kurdish letters but some arabic characters are not there like: ݩ,ۇ,ۊ,ئ,ع,غ,ح
*Resolve: speciall arabic characters(ݩ,ۇ,ۊ,ئ,ع,غ,ح) must be added to "sorani" part in below of edit page