biguhêredishevel dishonest dishonestly dishonesty dishonor dishonorably dishpan dishwasher disincline disinfect disingenuous disingenuously disinherit disinheritance disintegrator disinter disinterest disinterested disjectamembra disjoin disjoint disjointed disjointedly disjointly disjunct disk jockey disk, disc dislodge disloyal disloyally dismal dismalness dismantle dismast dismay dismember dismiss from mind dismissal dismount disobediently disobey disoblige disobligingly disorder disordered disorderliness disorderly conduct disorderly house disown disparage disparagingly disparity dispassionately dispassionateness dispatch dispatch boat dispatch rider dispatcher dispel dispensability dispensatory dispense with dispersal disperse dispersive dispirited dispirited ness dispiritedly displaced person displease disport disposal dispossess dispraisingly disproof disproportional disproportionally disproportionately disproportionateness disprove disqualify disquiet disregard disrelish disrepair disrepute disrespect disrobe disrobing room dissatisfy dissect disseizin, disseisin dissemble disserve dissever dissimilarity dissimilitude dissipated dissoluble dissolute dissolutely dissoluteness dissolve into tears dissonance dissuade distaff distaff side distantly distaste distemper distichous distil distilled distiller distillery distinctiveness distinctly distinctness distinguish distinguishably distinguished distort distracted distrain distrainor distraint distraught distributary distributive justice district attorney district court districtofcolumbia distrust disturbance disulphide disunion disunite disunity disuse disutility ditchdigger ditchwater ditheism dithyramb ditto ditto mark ditty diuresis diurnal diva dive bomber diver diverge divergence, divergency divergingly diversedivers diversely diversionary tactics diversity divert divertingly divest divided highway dividend dividend coupon divider divinator divinatory divinely diviner diving bell diving suit divining rod divinity school divisibility divisible division of labor divisional divisive divisor divorcee divot divulge divvy dizzily dnieper dniester do and don'ts do battle do by do disserviceto do for do in do justice to do one's best do one's hair do oneself justice do something unbeknown to someone do tell! do to death do up do well do well by him do without dobbin docile docility dock dockage docker dockmaster doctoral doctrinaire doctrinal document, documentary documental documentary bills documentary credit documentary film dodder dodecahedron dodecanese dodger dodo doer doeskin doff doffer dog collar dog days dog in the manger dog latînê dog license dog life dog one's steps dog rose dog star dog tag dog tired, dog weary dogape dogbane dogberry dogcart dogcatcher doge dogear dogface dogfight dogfish dogged doggedly doggedness dogger doggish doggone doggydoggie doghouse dogie dogmatically dogmatics dogmatism dogooder dogs of war dogtired dogtooth dogtooth violet dogtrot dogwatch dogwood doily doings doityourself dolce far niente dolce vita dolcissimo doldrums dole dolerite dollhouse dollop dolly dolman dolmen dolomite dolphin dolt doltish dome domesday domesday book domestic animals domestic industries domesticity domicile dominance domineeringly dominican dominie dominion dominium don't doubt that don't wait supper for me done brown done for done in done to a turn donee donjon donkey engine donnybrook doodad doodle doodlebug doohickey doomsday door keeper doorknob doorman doornail doorstop doorway dope sheet doper dopester dopey doppelganger dordorbeetle dorm dormer dormitory dormouse dory dosage dosser dosàdos dot the i's and cross the t's dotage dotingly dotterel dottle dotty doub letree double bass double bed double boiler double bottom double check double chinned double entry double exposure double jeopardy double room double standard double star double talk double time double tongue double up doublebanked doublebreasted doublecross doubledealer doubledecker doubledyed doubleedged doubleender doublefaced doubleheaded doubleheader doublejointed doublepark doublequick doublereed doublespace doublet doubleton doubletongued doubloon doubly douce douche doughboy doughnut doughtily doughtiness doughty douse dove dovetail dowager dowdy dowel dower down and out down at the heels down at the mouth, down in the dumps down east down in the dumps down on his luck down under down with downbeat downcast downfall downhearted downhill downingstreet downpour downright downspout downstage downstairs downstream downthrow downtoearth downtrod downwind downy dowry dowse dowsing rod doxy doyen doze dozenth dp drab drachma draft draft draught draft board drafting draught drafting board draftsman drafty drag drag an anchor drag in drag on drag one's feet drag out drag race drag rope drag strip draggle dragoman dragon's blood dragonfly dragoon drain drain to the dregs drainage drainboard drainer drainpipe drake dramatically dramatispersonae drape draper drapery drat draughty draw ahead draw an animal draw away draw back draw interest draw near draw on account draw oneself up draw straws draw the line draw up draw, drew, drawn drawbridge drawee drawing account drawing board drawing book drawing card drawing compasses drawing knife, draw shave drawing room drawl drawn butter drawn game an battle drawn work dray dray horse drayage dread dreaded dreadfully dreadnought naught dream away one's time dream up dream world dreamboat dreamer dreamland dreamless dreamlessly dreamt dreamy dreary dredge dredger dredging machine dregs of society drench dress a ship dress circle dress down dress goods dress out dress parade dress rehearsal dress shield dress uniform dressed up fit to kill dresser dressing case dressing gown dressing room dressmaker dressy dribble dribblet drier drift drift anchor drift ice driftage drifter driftwood drill press drill sergeant driller drillmaster drinker drinking bout drinking cup drinking fountain drinking horn drinking song drinking water drip pan drip with blood dripdry dripping wet drippy dripstone drive a bargain drive away drive back drive like jehu drive mad drive out drive shaft drivel driven driveway driving rain drizzle drizzly droll drollery drollness drolly dromedary droningly drool droop drop a brick drop a hint drop a line drop a remark drop asleep drop astern drop behind drop down drop hammer drop kick drop off drop on one's knees drop one's h' drop out dropforge droplet droplight dropoff dropout dropper dropsied dropsy droshky dross drought drove drover drown drowned in sleep drowned in tears drowse drowsily drowsiness drowsy drub drudge drug addict drug on the market drugget drum major drum out of drum stick drum up trade drumbeat drumfish drumhead drumhead court-martial drumlin drunk as a fiddler an lord drunk with success drunkenly drunkometer drupe druse druze dry cell dry cough dry dock dry goods dry humor dry ice dry kiln dry land dry measure dry nurse dry point dry rot dry run dry town dry up dry wall dry wit dry years dryad dryasdust dryer dryeyed dryly dryshod dual monarchy dual ownership dualism duality dually dualpurpose dub dubiety dubious battle dubiously dubiousness ducal ducat duce duchess duchy duck duck on the rock duck soup duckbill duckboard ducking stool duckweed ducky ductile ductileness, ductility ductless ductless gland dud dude dudgeon due care due course of time due east due process duel duenna duff duffel fle duffel bag duffer dulcet dulcify dulcimer dull as dishwater dullard dullish dullness dulse duly dumdum, dumdum bullet dumfound dummy dummy barge dumpcarti dumpy dunce dunce cap dune dung dung fork dungaree dunlin dunnage duodecimal duodecimo duodenum duologue dupe dupery duple duplex pump duplex telegraphy duplicate bridge duplicator duplicity durability duramater duramen durance duress durmast durnoose burnous durra durst dusk dust bowl dust cover dust devil dust jacket dust storm dustbrush dustcloth dustcollector dustfilter dustheap dustman dustproof dusty dutch dutch brick dutch cheese dutch door dutch oven dutchman dutchman's breeches dutifully dutifulness duty call duty of water dutyfree dwarf dwarf stinger dwarfish dwell dwell in dweller dwelling house, dwelling place dyad dye dyed in the wool dyer dyer's madder dyeroak dying bed dying will dynamism dynamite dynamiter dynamotor dynast dynasty dynatron dyne dys dysentery dyspepsia eat a person's salt eatdog engine knock english walnut evening dress every dog has his day everythîng comes to him who waits fall down fall into disrepute fall into disuse false keel feel one's oats fifteen up fine day for ducks fire a salute first watch fix someone's wagon flat on one's back floating dock fly a kite flying jib for heaven's sake for keeps for my sake for the sake of clarity for the sake of peace for want of forced draft foreandaft sail free kick friction drive from a distance garden warbler get a kick out of get an have the drop on get in dutch get one's back up get the upper hand give a person his due give a salute give the benefit of the doubt give the devil his due give the sack give umbrage go an be on the dole go at a walk go down the drain go downhill go dutch go fly a kitel go to the devil! go to the wall go to waste grand jury greatest common divisor half drunk hard drinks hard usage, rough usage have a foot in the door have no use for have nothing to do with have the use of he earns his keep he is due in at noon he is up for mayor he is up for murder he is wantîng in politeness he jolly well had to he just escaped he knit his brows he not worth his keep he should have known better than to do it he used to come at eight he worked hard to keep his head above water head of water high jinks high water his temper was up hit one's head against a stone wall i kite balloon i warrant you i'll be damned i'm not up to it it is all up with him it is not done it is usual to do so it no joke it's up to you i kind of expected it ill be jiggered! in a jiffy in deep water in doubt in jest in keeping with in sackcloth and ashes in smooth water in the wake of in waitîng intuitive knowledge jackhammer jackinthebox jackinthepulpit jacklight jackofalltrades jackplane jackpot jackscrew jackstraw jackup Jacob jacobean jacobin jacobs ladder jacobsladder jacquard jactitation of marriage jade jaded jaeger jaffa jagged jaggery jailbird jain jakarta jake jalap jalopy jaloppy jalousie jamaiea jamb jamboree jampacked jangle janissary janizary janitor janus jap japanese jape jardiniere jaundiee jaunt jauntily jauntiness jaunty java java man javelin javellewater jawed jay jaywalker jazz band jazz up jazzy jealusly jean jeer jehovah jehovah witnesses jehu jejune jejunely jejuneness jell jelly jellybean jellyfish jemadar jemmy jennet jenny jequirity jerboa jereed jerid jereed, jerid jeremiad jericho jerk jerkin jerkiness jerkwater jerky jerry jerrybuild jerrycan jersey jerusalem jerusalem artichoke jerusalem cherry jerusalem pine jess jessamine jestingly jesuit jesus jet glass jet plane jet propelled jet pump jet wash jet-black jetsam jettison jetton jetty jew down jew mallow jew pitch jew-harp jewel jeweller jewry jezebel jib jib sheet jibe jidda jiffy jiff jigger jiggered jigsaw jigsaw puzzle jill jilt jim crow jimcrow jimmy jingal jingle jingo jingoism jinni jinriksha, jinriksha,jinrikisha jinx jitney jitterbug jitters jj job comforter job printer job work jobber jobstears jockey jocko jockstrap jocose jocosity, jocoseness jocular jocularity jocularly jocundity jodhpurs jog jog the memoryji jog-trot joggle john john barleycorn john doe john dory john law john smith johnnycake johnnycomelately johnnyonthespot, johnny-on-the-spot johnsonian joinder joinstock company joint surety jointer jointly jointress jointure jokingly jollity jolly jolly boat jolly roger jolt jonah jongleur jonquil jordan josephscoat josh joss joss stick jostle jot jot or tittle jounce journal box journalese journalism journeyman journeywork joust jove jovial joviality, jovialness jovially jovian joy ride joy stick joyfully joyfulness joyless joylessly joylessness joyous joyously joyousness jp jr jubilance jubilant jubilantly jubilee jud judaea judah judas judas tree judgeship judgment day judgment debt judgment hall judgment on default judgment seat judicatory judicature judicial judicial assembly judicial murder judicial notice judicially judiciary judiciously judiciousness judy jug juggernaut juggle juggle the books juggler jugglery juglandaceous jugular jugular vein juice juiceless juiciness juicy jujitsu jujutsu, jujitsu, jujutsu jujube jujutsu jukebox jukejoint julep julian julienne july jumble jumbo jumbo jet jumper jumpsuit jumpy jun junction box juncture june jungle cat jungle fever jungle fowl junior junior college junior high school juniper juniper berries junk junk dealer junk shop junket junkie junkyard juno junta junto jupiter jur d jural jurat juredivino juris(baz)(al) jurisconsult jurisdictional dispute juristically juror juryman juryrigged jus jus gentium jussive just how many just now just the same just then just there just think! justice of the peace justiciar justiciary, justiciar , justiciary justifiableness, justifiability justifiably justificative justificatory, justificative , justificatory justify justly jut jute juvenile juvenile court juvenile delinquency juvenilia kaiak kalmuck kalsomine kamerad kampong kanaka kangaroo rat kangaroo, kanguru kangaroo court kantian kapok karat karbala karlovci kaross karroo katydid kauri kava kayak, kaiak kayo kb kcb kcmg kea keckle kedge kedge anchor keel over keeler keelhaul keelson kelson keen on keenly keep company keep dark keep down, keep under keep early (an good) hours keep in keep in with keep off keep on keep one balance keep one counsel keep one waitîng keep one word keep one's distance keep open house keep out keep step keep the peace keep time keep touch with keep track of keep up with keep watch keeper keepsake kef kief keg kelpie kelpy kelson kentledge kentucky boat, kentucky flat kentucky coffee kenya keratin keratoid keratose keratosis kerchief kerf kermess kermis kernel kernelled kernelly kersey kerseymere kestrel ketch ketchup catchup catsup ketone kettledrum key club key punch key signature key up keyhole keyhole saw keynote keynote address keynoter keystone keyway khaddar khaki khamsin khan khartoum khedive khmer kibbutz kibe kibitz kibitzer kiblah kibosh kick a goal kick against the pricks kick around kick at kick back kick off kick the bucket kick the habit kick up kick up a row kick up one heels kickback kicker kickoff kickshaw kid kid glove, kid gloved, with kid gloves kiddy kidney bean kidney machine kidneywort kief kier kilderkin kill time kill two birds with one stone kill with kindness killdeer killer whale killick killingly kiln kilocalorie kilocycle kilohertz kiloliter kilometer kilt kiltie kinaesthesia kinesthesis kindergartner kindliness, kindness kindling wood kindred kinematics kinematograph kinesis kinetics kinetoscope king bench king counsel king crab king english king evil king it king liness king post king row king snake kingbird kingbolt kingcraft kingdom come kingdom of heaven kingfish kingfisher kinglet kinglike kingly kingpin kink kinkajou kinky kino kino gum kinsfolk kinshasa kinship kinsman kinswoman kipper kirghiz kirk kirkman kirkyard kirman kirschwasser kirtle kiss and be friends kiss away the hurt kiss the book kissing bug kitchen cabinet kitchen stuff kitchenette kitchenmaid kith kitsch kittenish kittiwake kitty kittycornered kk klaxon klutz knack knacker knag knapweed knar knavery knavish knavishness knead kneading trough knee breeches knee jerk knee joint kneecap kneed kneedeep kneehigh kneehigh to a grasshopper kneejerk kneel kneepan kneeroom knickerbocker knickerbockers knickers knicknack knife rest knife sharpener knifeboard knifeedge knight errant knighterrantry knighthead knightly knit knitting work knob knobbiness knobby knobkerrie knock against knock down knock ebout knock off knock on the head knock out knock out of the box knock over knock together knockabout knockdown knocker knockkneed knoll knotgrass knothole knottiness knotty knotwork knout know how know ones own mind know the ropes know whats what knowingly knuckle knuckle down knuckle joint knuckle under knur knurl knurled knurly kobold kodak kodiakbear kohinoor kohl kohlrabi koksaghyz kolkhoz komododragon konakri koodoo kudu kook kopeck copeck kosher kasher kraal krait kraken kreutzer krona krone kronstadt krypton ks kt kualalumpur kudu kukluxklan kumiss kumys kummel kurbash kuwait kvetch kwh lame duck lameduck larboard watch lay at the door of lay waste let one's hair down lick the dust lie in wait like the devil like water off a duck's back low water low water mark lunar year maccaboymaccoboy (maccaboy,maccoboy) make a display make disparaging remarks make do make ducks and drakes of (an) play ducks and drakes with make it warm for someone make sail make use of make water masked warbler master key middle distance mind your p's and q' morning dress mountain saffron near of kin never say die new jerusalem next door next of kin no excuse can warrant this misbehavior not just yet not that l know of not worth his salt nothing doing ! nothing of the kind of a different kind of the first water off duty officer of the watch on an even keel on duty on one's uppers on the docket on the dot on the job on the upgrade on the wagon on the wane on the water one up on only just out of doors out of joint out of use packed like sardines patience dock pay down pay in kind petroleum jelly pintail duck pire sand fly play a joke on someone pocket knife practical joke prick up one's ears public utilities put a flea in one's ear put on the dog put one nose out of joint put one's oar put the helm down put up for sale rack one's brains raw sap red sandal wood tree reed warbler return a salute right of sanctuary ring dove rock dove rock salt rose diamond rough diamond sabaism sabaoth sabbath sabbathday's journey sabbatical year sabean sabertoothed tiger sabotage sabra sabretache sabulous saccharimeter saccharin saccharine saccharose saccule sacculus saceharie sacerdotal sacerdotalism sachem sackbut sackcloth sacque sacral sacramental sacramentally sacramentary sacrarium sacred cow sacred to the memory of reham sacredly sacrifice hit sacrificial sacrihgiously sacrilege sacrilegiousness sacristan sacristy sacroiliac sacrosanct sacrum sad sack sadden saddle a person with a task saddle horse saddle soap saddleback saddlebag saddlebow saddlery saddletree sadducean sadducee sadhu sadile sadiron sadism sadistically sae saeeharide saehet safe and sound safe deposit safeconduct safecracker safedeposit box safeguard safelight safeness safety belt safety catch safety glass safety lock safety match safety razor safety valve safflower saffron sagaciousness sagacity sagamore sagely sageness saggar sagittal sagittarius sago sahara saigon sail close to the wind sail into sail under false colors sailboat sailcloth sailer sailfish sailing boat sailing orders sailmaker sailorly sainfoin saint's day sainted sainthood saintlike saintly salaam salaciously salacity salad days salamandrine salami salaried salary saleratus sales clerk sales resistance salesmanship salesroom saleswoman saliclaw salicylic acid saliently saliferous salina saline salinity salivary sally lunn salmagundi salmon salmonella salonika saloon saloon deck saloonkeeper salpingitis salpinx salsify salt a mine salt away salt fish salt lick salt of the earth salt rheum salt well saltatory saltbox saltcellar saltern saltigrade saltish saltishness saltless saltpan saltpeter saltwater saltworks saltwort salubriously salubriousness, salubrity salutarily salutariness salutary salutatorian salutatory salvage salvarsan salvation army salve salvia salvolatile salvor samaria samarkand sambuca same here sameness samhill samian samian earth samian ware samiel samiriye samisen samite samos samothrace samovar samp sampan samphire sampler samson sanatorium sanbenito sanctified sanctify sanctimoniously sanctimoniousness, sanctimony sanctity sanctum sanctum sanctorum sand flea sand grouse sand martin sand smelt sandalled sandalwood sandarac sandbag sandbar sandblast sandfly fever sandhog sandlot sandman sandpaper sandpiper sandstone sandwich sandwich man sandy sane saneness sangaree sangfroid sangui sanguiferous sanguinarily sanguinary sanguine sanguinely sanguineness sanguineous sanhedrin sanies sanitarian sanitarium sanitary sanitary napkin sanitary regulations sanity sanjak sansculotte sansevieria sanstefano santaclaus santiago santonica santonine sap green sapanwood sapid sapidness sapience, sapiency sapiential sapiently saponaceous saponify sapor sapper sapphic vice sapphire sappiness sappy sapro saprophyte sapsago sapsucker sapvvood saraband sarape sarcasm sarcenet sarcocarp sarcocele sarcoma sarcophagus sarcous sardine sardinia sardinian sardis sardonyx sargassosea sarmatian sarmentose sarmentum sarong saronic gulf sarsaparilla sartorial sartorius sashay sass sassafras sassy satan satanically satchel sateen satiability, satiableness satiably satiety satin satin finish satin paper satin stitch satin stone satinette satinwood satiny satire satirically satiricalness satisfactorily satisfactoriness satisfyingly satrapy saturant saturated saturn saturnalia saturnian scarlet sage sea salt see double set the watch shake the dust from one's feet she-devil shoot down shorten sail shout down show disrespect for show one the door show one's face shut down side dish silver jubilee skin diver, scuba diver sleep double sleeping dogs lie smell ing salts society of jesus soft drinks soft water something's up sour dock spectacled warbler spring water square sail st andrew's cross st bernard dog st elmo's fire st john's bread st nicholas, santa claus st patrick's day st valentine's day stamp duties stand drinks stock dove straight as a die strike dumb strike sail strong drinks table salt take a dig at somebody take a dislike to take a dive take a journey take a walk take at one's word take knowledge of take sanctuary take the salute take the water take to it like a duck to water take umbrage talk like a dutch uncle talk to one like a dutch uncle that a fine kettle of fish that will do the bone has knit the children think it's uncivilized to get up early the cow is dry the cut of one jib the devil ! the devil take the hindmost the devil's own time the die is cast the direct opposite the divinity the dog wants out the girl up and slapped the house burned down the jig is up the jumps the kids the kirk the known the pressure is down the road has drifted badly the smell of fresh bread makes my mouth water the sun is going down the time is up the united kingdom the wain the wall the walls have ears the whole kit and caboodle the wind is down there will be the devil to pay they differ in kind they spend money like water thinly disguised this tray has a gold wash three doors off throw cold water on throw dust in one's eyes tie the knot tier upon tier to my knowledge track down traffic jam tread on ones kibes treat a person like dirt turn one's back on a person ullage ulmaceous ulna ulnar ulster ult ulterior ultima ultimately ultimogeniture ultra vires ultracentrifuge ultrafilter ultrahigh frequency ultraism ultramarine ultramicrometer ultramodern ultramontane ultramontanism ultramundane ultrared ultraviolet ululant umbel umbellated umbellet umbelliferous umber umbilical cord umbo umbra umbrage umbrageous umbrella stand umbrette umbriferous umiak umlaut umpire una voce unabridged unaccommodated unaccompanied unaccomplished unaccustomed unacknowledged unadjusted unadorned unadulterated unadvised unaffected unaided unalloyed unamerican unanimity unanimous unanimously unapt unaptnoss unarm unashamed unasked unaspirated unassisted unattached unattended unauthorized unaware unawares unbacked unbaked unbalance unbalanced unballasted unbar unbated unbeaten unbecomingly unbefriended unbeknown unbeknownst to us, they had already bought the house unbelief unbeliever unbelt unbend unbiased unbidden unbind unbitted unbleached unblemished unblessed unblushingly unbodied unbolt unboned unborn unbosom unbound unbounded unbowed unbrace unbraid unbreathed unbred unbridled unbroken unbuckle unbuild unbuilt unburden unburied unburnt unbusinesslike unbutton uncage uncalledfor uncannily uncanniness uncanny uncap uncaredfor uncarpeted uncaused uncertain unchain unchangeably uncharged uncharitableness uncharitably unchartered unchaste unchastely unchastity unchecked unchristian unchurch uncial unciform unciform process uncircumcised uncivil uncivilized unclad unclaimed unclasp uncle sam uncle tom unclean uncleanliness uncleanly unclench uncloak unclog unclothe unclothed unco uncocked uncoil uncollected uncolored uncommitted uncommon uncommonly uncompromisingly unconcealed unconcern unconcerned unconcernedly unconcernedness uncondensed unconditional unconditionally unconditioned unconfessed unconfined unconfirmed unconformity under duress under sail undertake a journey united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east universal joint unregenerate ated unregenerately unrelentingly unreliability unreliably unrelieved unremittingly unreported unrequited unreserved unreservedly unreservedness unresponsive unrest unrestrained unrestricted unrewarded unriddle unrig unrighteously unrighteousness unrip unripe unripeness unrivaled unrobe unroll unroof unroot unrra unruly unsaddle unsaid unsanctified unsatisfac tory unsatisfactorily unsaturated unsavory unsay unscathed unscramble unscrew unscriptural unscrupulous unseal unseasonableness unseasoned unseat unseaworthy unseemliness unselfish unsettle unsettled unsew unsex unshackle unshaken unshaped unshattered unsheathe unship unshorn unsightliness unsightly unskill fulness unskilled unskillfully unslakedime unsnap unsnarl unsociability, unsociableness unsociably unsold unsolder unsolicited unsophisticated unsound unsoundly unsoundness unsparingly unspecialized unsphere unspoiled unspoken unsportsmanlike unspotted unstableness, unstability unstably unsteadily unsteadiness unsteel unstep unstick unstintingly unstopped unstrung unstudied unsubstantial unsubstantiality unsubstantially unsuitability, unsuitableness unsuitably unsung unsupported unsurpassed unsuspected unswathe unswear untalkedof untangle untarnished untasted untaught unteach untested unthankfully unthink unthinkingly unthread unthrifty unthrone untidily untie untimely untitled untold untouchability untoward untraveled untread untried untrue untruly untruss untrustworthy untruth untruth fulness untruthfully untuck untutored untwine unused unused to unusual unusualness unutterably unvarnished unveil unvoiced unwanted unwarily unwariness unwarlike unwarranted unwary unwearied unweave unwelcome unwell unwept unwholesome unwieldiness unwieldy unwilled unwillingly unwillingness unwincingly unwind unwisely unwish unwitnessed unwittingly unwonted unwontedly unworldliness unworldly unworthiness unworthy unwound unwrap unwreathe unwrinkle unwritten unwritten law unyeaned unzip up a tree up and about up and down up the wind up to the mark upanddown, up-and-down upas upbeat upbow upbraid upbraidingly upbuild upcast upcountry updraft upend upgrowth upheaval upheave uphill uphold upholster upholsterer upholstery uphroe upkeep upland uplift upmost upon my word upper berth upper case upper class upper crust upper deck upper works upperbracket upperclassman uppercut uppermost uppervolta uppish uppishly uppishness uprightly uproar uproariously uproariousness uproot ups and downs upset upset price upsetting machine upside upsidedown upsilon upstairs upstart upstream upstroke upsweep upswept uptake upthrow upthrust uptight uptown uptrend upturn upturned upwards of uraemia uraeus ural urania uranite uranium uranography urban renewal urbane urbanity urchin urea uremia ureter urethra urethral urethritis urethroscope urethroscopy urethrotomy uric acid urinal urinalysis urinary urinary bladder urinary disease urinary organs urino urinogenieal urinous urmia urn uro urogenital ursa ursprache urtext urticaceous urticaria urus usage usance uscg use bad language use up usefully usefulness uselessly uselessness usher usmc usn uso usp usquebaugh ussr usually usufruct usufructuary usufructuary lease usurer usurious interest usuriously usuriousness usurp usurper usury uterine utilitarian utilitarianism utility pole utility room utinfra utipossidetis utopia utopian utopianism utricle utricular utsupra utterance uttermost uturn uu uvea uvula ux uxoricide uxoriously uxoriousness vagon restorant waac waaf waas wac wacke wackily wackiness wacky wad'îng waddle waddîng wade wade into wade through wader wadi wady wadîng waf wafer waffle waffle iron waft wag wage scale barem the wages of sin is death wage war with wager waggery waggish waggle waggly wagonage wagoner wagonlit wagonload wagtail wahhabi wahabiism waif wail wailing wall wain wainscot wainwright waistband waistcloth waistcoat waisthigh waistline wait a minute! wait on wait on one hand and foot wait tables wait up for one raneketin wait your turn waitabit, wait-a-bit waiter waitress waitîng room waive waiver wake fulness wakefully waken wakerobin waldgrave waldorf salad wale wales walk in walk of life walk out walk out on walk out with walk over walk the floor walk the streets walk the wards walk through walkietalkie, walkytalky, walkietalkie, walkytalky walkon walkout walkovor walkup walkway walkîng walkîng beam walkîng dictionary walkîng legs walkîng race walking stick wall creeper wall pepper wall sided wall street wallaby wallachia wallachian wallboard walleye walleyed wallflower wallop wallopinst wallow walltowall walnut walpurgis night walrus waltz waltz through wampum wand wanderer wanderlust wanderoo wangle wanigan wankel engine want ad want for wanted wanton wantonly wapentake wapiti war cloud war crime war criminal war cry war dance war department(dya) war game war god war horse war loan war of nerves war paint war whoop warble warble fly warbler ward heeler ward off wardrobe wardroom wardship wardwards wareroom warhead warily wariness warlike warlock warlord warm front warm up warmblooded warmhearted warming pan warmly warmness warmonger warning bell warningly warp warpath warped warrant for one's arrest warrant officer warrantably warranty warren warship wart wart hog wart'y warts and all wartweed warworn wary wash away wash boiler wash down wash off wash one's hands of a matter wash out wash up washbasin, washbowl, washbasin, washbowl washboard washcloth washday washedout washedup washer washerwoman washing soda washington washout washrag washroom washstand washtub washy wasnt wasp wasp wasp waspish waspy wassail wassermann test wast waste away waste pipe waste steam wastebasket wastefully wastefulness wasteland wastepaper waster wasteweir wastrel watch band watch chain watch fire watch for watch glass watch guard watch night watch out watch out! watch it! watch over watch pocket watch your step! watchcase watchdog watchfully watchfulness watchmaker watchtower watchword water ballet water bearer water bed water beetle, water bug water blister water boy water buffalo water cart water chestnut water cooler water cure water down water flea water gap water gas water gauge water germander water glass water hammer water hazard water hemloc water hen water hole water jacket water jump water level water lily water line water main water meter water mill water moccasin water nymph water on the brain water polo water rights water snake water softener water spaniel water supply water system water tower water wings water witch waterborne waterbuck watercourse watercraft watercress watered silk waterfowl waterfront watering place watering pot watering trough waterlogged waterloo waterman watermark waterpower wed ding knot well to do what the sam hill is he doing here? what's he up to? what's up? whitethroat warbler who the deuce is he? wild life sanctuary wild sarsaparilla win in a walk with a grain of salt within my ken within striking distance without doubt wood sage, wild sage write down yellow jasmine you want to see a dentist today ywca autoclave automatism autonomy awn come out of the blue oatmeal drive the porcelain bus throw up pray to the porcelain god harquebus askant attune atwitter auburn au contraire au courant audacity audio-visual audiophile audit au fait au fond aught augur augustness aulait auld au naturel aureole au revoir auricle auricular auspice austere Australia autarchy autobiography autobus autocephalous awry axilla axon azygous back-chat back-pedal backstrap backstroke backwards backwash backwater backwoods badger badtempered baffle bagpipe bairn bake bakelite baksheesh balalaika balanced balaustine balcony baldachin baleen ballast ballistics ballyhoo balm balustrade bambino bandolier bandy banister banish bannock banns banquet banter barb barbarian barbarity barbarous barbed barber barbet barbette barely bargain barge bargeboard baritone barker barmy baroscope barouche barracks barrage barratry barred barret barrette barricade barrier barroom barrow barter barysphere basalt bashaw bashibazouk basketry basset baste bastinado bathe baton batten battery bawdy bayberry bayonet bazooka beacon bead beadroll beak bearer beaver becalm bechance becket becloud bedabble bedaub bedazzle bedchamber bedeck beadsman bedevil bedight bedim bedizen bedlam bedraggle bedstead beefsteak beefy beehive beeline beelzebub beestings beeswax beet beetle befit befog befool befoul befriend befuddle beget begird begrime begrudge beguile behalf behest behoof behoove belabor belay belch beldam beleaguer belfry Belgium belie belittle belladonna belles-lettres bellflower bellicose bellows bellwether belt belvedere bemuse benefactor benefice benighted benign benignant bennet benzoin bequeath bequest berceuse bereave beret bergamot berkelium berry berth beryl beseech beseem beset besides besmear besmirch besom besot bespatter bespeak besprinkle bestead bestial bestow bestrew betake bethink Bethlehem betimes betoken betony betroth betwixt bevel bevy bewail bewitch bezel bias bibliopole bibulous bicephalous bicker bid biddy biennial biff bifid bigot bijou bilberry squirrel bilinear billboard billy binary binder whistleblower bindweed binnacle binomial bioplasm biopsy biosphere bipetalous bipod birch birdie birl ascendant monastery cloister scholarly interim consult coquetry lightness living allowance child support subsistence money thesis hint indirect zakat talisman periapt in other words that is that is to say mattock forecast commander in chief chief of staff ash tree quell suppress stifle asshole rectal exit predict foretell prophesy tighten squeeze pinch plow hormone greed suretyship recognizance ballade bulwark bobby pin hairpin unfounded abashed timid b-ball chock flock troop varicella date of birth stature cauldron Briton clump lump man-eater meticulous scrupulous freight holy book porcelain boss chef choir cigar squad commandant check against partnership resort Johnson grass trample chewing gum bubble gum degenerated flavour in need necessitous straitened breach transgress loneliness diarrhoea twin infirmity deformity refusal wither shrivel wilt floppy disk neutrality ignore oedema predominant multifaceted many-sided tenet fang margarine languid sluggish infirm languorous run-down weakly wonky fatigued fed up frustrated annoyed tired of disgusted a few exert pressure on sleepy dozy blear-eyed financial vote for equilibrium stability countenance subtle exhibiton in a just manner famousness binoculars vogue shit wellfare Syriac Armenian Christian name blossom bloom stronghold crystal grandmother midwife picus ivory fire temple firefighter fireman fire worshipper fire worship bitter almond flag-bearer cherry red Alps cornflower poll leisurely embellish cant gobbledygook cricket Aromanian I love you straightforward light-coloured competency proficiency miller Atayal athletics install builder Avestan spunk jissom jizz deal with sty outhouse shed Azerbaijan brinjal egg-plant baggage hurricane pillow glass Lizards caret mortgage basketball player sausage Bavaria concede falcon hawk stock market stock exchange share market sneeze midget great tit possibly chewing-gum gasoline carp miscarriage pork swine hog obstetrician Little bustard contrary offense Rock nuthatch Eastern rock nuthatch lightning flash tie up laziness sloth innocuous willow wrestle bibliography canister pretext opt coupon house arrest roast governance brass injured twentieth token trumpet roar necktie Brazil Great Britain Brussels papaver land title certificate of ownership bovine snowdrop at once right now instantaneously straightaway straightway cold war Cold War surgery Djibouti Djibouti City djinn pronoun tap calibre cheque sauce how much leap up bounce left-hand clap curve slingshot airan forage how come strawberry plane tree enigma riddle offend revile tactless decease pass away march off hang down bend over cinnamon epic poetry hoopoe thrust notebook exercise book sparse feedingmanger feedingtrough feeding trough preterite vowel Text Message stairs squander chase away outsider Black Sea meager wretched bush break-down become senile reach one's dotage get exhausted well-off well-to-do cuckold foreword preamble preface take offense get hurt bother Damascus pledge lengthy quilt Jerusalem artichoke straw colour closet cupboard go on remote colon robe editor unfortunately bravery electricity Alsace abide by encyclopedia encyclopaedia outbreak mentality assailant raider eroticism tuberculosis leisure ethnicity innovativeness lantern invoice fainthearted pusillanimous timorous overthrow quash Fiji Philippines breadth expanse wingspan pharaoh furnace wick candle wick physics flirt sea calf pinniped Taurus galaxy The Gambia stride spectre wrestler pollen explore emmet roam stray geisha nettle stinging-nettle broom lily white pure white burdensome rancor coercion gladiolus Caspian Sea jewel beetle jewel bug sock sepulchre graveyard hawthorn mayflower perfume common rock thrush rock thrush cauliflower Siirt Lizard dress shirt mortar Natural number omelette omelet cornel cornelian cherry cornel cherry chopper longitude marker faucet spigot grind literally verbatim word-for-word sharpening stone whetstone grindstone knife-grinder Octagon camel ostrich rendez-vous rendezvous colleague overhead gruel pool swimming-pool power plant hygiene filthy condensed endogenous inland teddy bear reaso hierarchy gloom melancholia serenity sleeve wreathe prestige rebuke reprimand principally separately wipe out orthography irony caraway think highly of think well of cherish patrolman subsidiary due to go too far all of a sudden abruptly staid spontaneous premium senior cockpit Milky Way camouflage carbon arum be able to carnival cardboard ski sport cathedral froth scum spume weepy kemalism in short supply cony bunny fret sector clergyman clash incompatabilitiy maple terebinth sulfur brimstone skull rental Kyrgyzstan carry out purchase cleptomaniac concord unison sled seldge cholera colony scrutiny Levantine viper Blunt-nosed viper Corsica unknown murderer long-eared owl bulge out brood short story novella dog food flank remit oystercatcher quiver promptness promptitude swiftness lesbian coincide become aware of pond Limburgian paw shank Lingala high school gymnasium becoming aware of skier Lombardy lurish Madagascar majesty mainstream Macau make-up scarecrow tangerine eel break of day flounder Freemason caterpillar metaphor legislature suckle mechanism civil servant catapult scissors metamorphosis meteorite butcher shop Muslem gregorian calendar christian calendar western calendar Min-nan legacy coral chickenpox consumer pee Wren modest meow Mauritania Moscow vertebra mausoleum musicality nope groan HTTP cookie calumny coquet fragile huntsman shamrock modesty petroleum black gold mineral oil nineth unfamiliar sweetbrier great-grandchild décor nearby contiguously heap pile up cursor peninsula midday mumble nostalgia enjoy your meal obesity living room Pacific Ocean optimism orchestra Ottoman package parcel working man Papua New Guinea paramilitary passport back of the neck nape of the neck roll up wind up wrap round needed mandatory splash plantain raw cotton arthropod palm stroke in front of ahead of prejudice forestall prototype before noon ante meridien side-issue steb by step scant splatter shoulder blade languish cringe old man briquet multiconstituential inquiry whistle hooter compass lion's share speck speckled spotted introvert French Polynesia post office groundplan protocol psychoanalysis stamp idol Cairo husk seagull Kazakhstan costly pricey cherished Caucasus slut trollop hooker hustler brothel whorehouse bawdy-house house of ill fame breakfast goodness snack wrinkledness bright white tickle cry out cartilage gristle curtail stand up weave coach instructor trainer drag along be asleep above-board referendum tramp grown-up blackish black and blue spots rhubarb fix up vineyard pour out tuft scrap shred liberated brook creek magaziner rocket luminousness luminance luminous routine soap saxophone calendar bleak Sardinia fridge refrigerator opportune seemly gallows mother-of-pearl handout confirm ensure seminar seminary congeniality We union labour union coerce put on compel constrain inflict punctual break and hurt each others heads catch cold superficially uncovered head main page chyme Siberia Sicily hello cylinder dealer sinusitis bright red deep bright red solitary hymn gullet welfare real socialism confide entrust have confidence in endosperm spinach grapple snatch sterile gameplan brassiere Switzerland beauty queen shawl capsule shaman comb burgomaster provost headcloth hawkish worrior threshold opaline soup launder Tajikistan repair shim what's the matter what's wrong collapse cave in ashtray ash-pan inspect technics soil moisture telegraph ticker telescope come on soot lukewarm tepid theocracy vertex patter summons subpoena washing bowl spider inflame plank not any East Timor blusWe sect stone curlew sour custom and usage waggon elude shirk sidestep come back inherit smear grease spread out spread-eagle magnify step up unfold unfurl stretch stretch out Vienna volleyball Walloon Wallonia give notice of over there betrayer loot Little ringed plover Siberian lily half-light be willing to God cinders indigenous glutton suicide bomber dead end cul-de-sac impasse natural sciences Mercury psalm excrement of birds thyme black person rash adventuresome treacherous yellowy cultivated field arable land wedlock olive programming language death pale very pale bright yellow very yellow baloney cuirass turn round whirl guestbook pilgrimage baldhead maul mallet mall gavel take place trad comprehensive thorough occidental Eskimo language gigantesque colossal enormous imperfect not guilty scratch rake conserve vase medusa hashish hasheesh tandoor well-known surname legitime fewer listen to luncheon mayoress purview microorganism monthly impassive unmoved careless nonchalant reckless government official government employee Ojibwa possessor proprietor kurus piastre farsi pilau pancarte choice proclivity initial detainee sound out outcry mountain range recourse put someone in mind of residence permit flowing water circular be depressed become sad become angry salted sacredness holiness too little chosen clothesline toga billhook bill hook spike in order to soybean chairman loudspeaker spleen milt personnel wares assembly of leaders guaranteed wrap up prostitute phone terrorism headline gravestone headstone sightseer rubberneck winner finished carrion inside out reverted unaware of oblivious of blind to intangible bladder cystis urinaria vesica vesica urinaria Uyghur language variant cascade steadfast odour reek stench stink whiff pong niff voluntariness certify brunette Scottish congeal purse handbag sit on thorns bent over chicken pleased be amazed rural area court of law court of justice observance slim lithe svelte genie descendents vagrant forgiveness be destroyed be ruined be demolished be annihilated impose upon oracular doorkeeper I wonder if blunt oppress smash continuity lecturer impact tenant carrying out hurry up superb ruth bondsman pre-empt webpage recompense redress currently nowadays fracture slit the last look at intrigue for life lifelong timeless immortal sempiternal stake napkin retired display window show window footpath tarry acidulous at that time soiled make shorter cursed infernal go in life after death hostility hesitance stammer demur hesitancy quandary shilly shally fairy tale celebratory meal hiatus recess let-up surroundings reliance wilderness be familiar with worthless threnody get away from occurance take a seat continual prohibited lavatory boutique up to excessive pitiless cause pain far-off reluctance gaunt plot day nursery day-care center fury gaselle reptilian crooked shady similar to calmly preach worried dearth fervor intentness sedulity dolour incorrect arse terrify horrify harrow vice- bring to an end roughly prosecute sue by return mail dissymmetry a broken reed a diamond in the rough a first cousin twice removed a legal right a question of privilege a question of time a ready pen a request for help a retreating chin a rip ping good time a round oath a round of drinks on me a run for one's money a week off AD AH administer administer an oath all at once All Saints's Day all the rest an odd fish an off street an open verdict an open winter and so on at close quarters at odd moments at odds at one at random at rest at the rate of at your risk attar of roses be at the end of one's rope be occupied with be off be off strawberries be on to be rid of, get rid of be the ruin of beat a retreat beat an break the record beat off the attack beat the rap behave yourself pull yourself together beyond reach beyond reclaim blue ribbon bow on bring into relief bring to reason by reason of by request by right by right of by rote by rule cabbage rose call the game off come to close quarters comic opera commit an offense connecting rod court of record court of review cross the Rubicon crude ochre cube root damask rose Damned if I know designer designedly Declaration of Human Rights detached retina devil's-food cake diamagnetism diametrically divide into quarters Dolomites Don't wait supper for me double quartet drop one's h's dry quart Dutchman's breeches dyer's weed dyer's rocket dyspnea electric ray European roller fall off far off farher on field officer flag officer for once fore quarter from the off garden rhubarb get a rise out of one get in a rut give (some one) the raspberry give no quarter give offense give one rope give rein to give rise to Go on! go the round go to rest good old times good riddance grand opera grant a request grow old hard row to hoe have a good right have recourse to have the run of He has all the qualifications He is ten years old He is well off He's had a drop too much health officer high quality high relief hind quarter His eyes rested on it House of Representatives I kind of expected it I kite balloon I'm not up to it Iay odds I'll be jiggered! India rubber It is a question of fact It is all up with him It is not done It is off my hands It is usual to do so It no joke It stands to reason It's up to you I am much obliged I think I warrant you Iaw of obligations in all reason in bad repair in full retreat in good repair in great request in my opinion in open court in regard to in reserve in return for in ruins in the long run in the raw in the red in the rough in the round indirect object inner resources kill off all enemies large odds last resort later on lay open Let one's hair down Let's be on our way like a drowned rat liquid quart living rock look on low relief mail route make ready for make room for make the round of gera male quartet microscopically Mind your p's and q's mixed quartet Money is no object monthly rose musk okra musk rose natural resources Night is coming on No offense Norway rat nursery rhymes obbligato obduracy obdurately obedient servant obediently obeisance obese obi obit obiter dictum obituary obj object at issue object glass object lesson objectify objective case objectively objectivism objectivity objectless oblast obligato obligee obligingly obligingness oblique oblique angle oblique case oblique triangle obliquely obliqueness oblivion obliviously oblong obloquy obnoxiously obnoxiousness oboe obol obolus obs obscene obscenely obscenity obscurant obscurantism obscurely obsequies obsequiously obsequiousness observably observant observantly observation car observational observatory observingly obsess obsidian obsoleteness obstetrics obstinacy obstinately obstreperous obstreperously obstreperousness obstructionism obstructively obstructiveness obt obtrude obtrusive obtuse obtusely obverse obvert obviously obviousness obvolute ocarina occasional occasional chair occasionally occipital occiput occlude occult arts occultism occupational occupational therapy occupy ocean lane ocean liner oceania oceanography ocellus ocelot ocher ochlocracy ochreous oclock oct octad octagonal octahedral octahedron octane number octangle octangular octave octavo octennial octet octette octillion octillionth october octodecimo octogenarian octroi octuple ocular ocularly odalisque odalisk Odd Fellows odd or even oddity oddly odds odds and ends odeon odeum odin odiously odiousness odium odometer odontalgia odontoid odoriferous odoriferously odorless odorous odyssey oed oedipus Oedipus complex oer of course of late di of note of oneself of record ofay off and on off one, rocker off the record offal offbroadway offcast offcolor offensively offensiveness offer battle offer for sale offer resistance offertory offhand office hours officeholder officer of the day officialdom officialism officially officiant, officiator officiary officinal officiously offish offkey offprint offput offsale offset offshoot offstage offthejob ofttimes ogee ogee arch ogive ogle ogre ogress ohm ohmmeter oho oid oil cake oil color oil field oil lamp oil one's hand oil pan oil slick oil tanker oil varnish oil well oilcloth oiliness oilskin oilstone okapl okhotsk old clothes man old fashioned Old Glory old gold old hand old hat old lady old maid old man of the sea Old Nick old salt old style old wivestale Old World olden oldfashioned oldster oldtimer oleaginou oleander olecranon oleo oleo oil oleograph oleomargarine olfactory olfactory nerve olfactronics olibanum oligarch oligarchy olim olio olivaceous olivary olive branch olive brown olive drab olive green olive oil olive tree olla olla podrida olympiad Olympic games olympus oman omasum ombre ombudsman omega omen omentum omicron ominous ominously ominousness omit omni omnibus bill omnipotently omnirange omnisciencebi omnisciently omnivor ous reader omnivorous omphaloe on and on on record on request on the offensive on the quarter on the quivive on the right side on the rocks on the run on the track of on the whole on Thursday onager onanism once in a while once or twice onceover one and all one man one vote one redeeming feature one's good qualities one-man show oneeyed onehanded onehorse oneiromancy onelegged oneness onerously onerousness oneself onesided onestep oneway onion onionskin onomatopoeia onrush onset onshore onslaught onthejob onto onus onward onyx oo oocyte oodles oolite oolong oomph oops oosperm ootheca oozy opalescense opaque opaqueness opart opcit ope open admissions open air open door open fire open house open in open market open one's eyes open order open out open policy open sea Open sesame open shop open up openended openeyed openheart openhearted openmouthed openness openwork opera bouffe opera glasses opera hat opera house operand operate on a person operational operetta ophthalmia opine opinionated opium habit opium joint opium poppy opium smoker opobalsam opodeldoc opossum opp oppidan opportunely opportuneness oppose opposite number oppositely oppositeness oppressive oppressively oppressiveness opprobriously opprobriousness opprobrium oppugn oppugnancy oppugnant opsonin opt out optically optimistically option day option to purchase optional optionally optometer optometry opulencecy opulently opuscule orache oracle oracularly orally orang orange blossom orange pekoe orangeade orangery orangoutang orator oratorically oratorio oratory Oriental rug out of range out of regard to Out of the road! pass in review passive resistance pay one's respects people of quality Persian rug petty officier pick a quarrel pluck up by the root police office poor quality public revenue pull rank put on a coat racket racketeer raconteur racy radial radian radiance radiant radicalism radicle radio ragtime ragwort rail rail against rail at railhead raillery rain area rain barrel rain check rain forest rain gauge rainbow chaser rainbow trout raincoat raininess rainy day raise Cain raise the dead raise the roof raised raisin raisondetre rajah rake in money rake over the coals rake up rakeoff raki rakish rakishly rallentando ram down one's throat ramadan ramble rambler ramekin ramiform ramify ramjetengine ramose ramous rampage rampageous rampancy rampart rampion ramrod ramshackle ramulose ranch house ranchero rancid rancidity rancidly rancorous random sample random shot range far range finder range lights range rider rangoon rani rank and file rank next to rankle ransack ransom rant and rave ranunculus rapaciously rapacity rape rape cake rape oil rapidfire rapier rapier thrust rapine rapparee rappee rappel rapper rapport rapscallion rapt rapture rapturously raraavis rarebit rareearth metal rareeshow rarefy rareness rarity ras rascality rase rasher rashly rashness rasorial rasp raspberry ratably ratafia rataplan ratatattat ratchet wheel rate of exchange rate of interest rathaus ratify rationale rationalis's rationalism rationality rationally ratite ratsbane rattail rattan ratter rattle off rattle on rattlebox rattlebrain rattlesnake rattletrap rattly rattoon rattrap raucous ravage ravel ravenous ravenously ravin ravine ravingly ravioli ravish ravishingly raw deal raw material raw silk raw spirits rawalpindi rawboned rawhide rawish rayah rayless rayon raze razee razor blade razor clam razor strap razorbill razoredge razz razzledazzle rc rd reabsorb reach ahead reach down reach for react reactionary reactivity read (someone) to sleep read between the lines read out read over read the riot act readiness reading desk reading lamp reading room readjust readmit ready money readymade readymix reaffirm real image real number real wages realgar realistically reallife realness realpolitik realtor realty ream reap reaper reaping hook reaping machine rear guard rear line rear up rear view rearm rearmost rearrange rearward reason out reason with reasonably reasoned reassurance reassure reaumur Reaumur thermometer reave rebec rebelliousness rebirth reboant reborn rebound rebroadcast rebuff rebus rebut rebuttal recalcitrance recant recap recapitulatory recapture recast recd recede receipt receive with open arms receivership receiving line recency recentness recept receptacle receptively receptiveness receptor recessional recherche recidivism recidivous recipe reciprocal reciprocal insurance reciprocality reciprocally reciprocity reck recklessly recklessness reclaim reclaim ant reclame recline recluse recognizant recoil recoilless recollect recommendatory recommit reconcilability reconcilably reconcile reconcile the accounts reconciliatory recondite reconditely reconditeness reconnaissance reconnaissance in force reconsider reconstitute reconstituted milk reconstruct reconvert record changer record player record prices recorder recordership recording angel recount recoup recoup oneself recover damages recover lost time recover one's voice recovery recreata recrudesce recruit rectal rectifier rectilineal rectitude recto rector rectorial rectory rectum rectus recumbency recumbently recur recurrent fever recurve recusancy recusant recycle red admiral Red Army red bandfish red blindness red cedar red corpuscle red cross red drum Red En red fir red fire red flag red hat red heat red lead red light red man red osier red pepper Red Sea red shift red tape redact redactor redan redblooded redbreast redbud redbug redcap redcoat redd redden reddish reddle redeem redeemer redeye redhanded redhead redhot redingote redirect rediscount redistrict redivivus redletter day redneck redolently redouble redouble one's efforts redoubted redound redpoll redraft redskin redstart reducible redundance redundantly redware redwood redyellow reecho reed organ reed stop reedbuck reedmace reedy reef knot reef point reefer reefy reel in reel off reel out reel toreel reelect reenforce reenter reentrance reentrant reentry reeve reexamine reexport refectory refer referee reference library reference mark refill refined reflect reflect on reflectance reflecting circle reflecting telescope reflectively reflectiveness reflectivity reflex reflex center reflexibility reflexible reflexive reflux reforest Reform Judaism reformatory reformed refract refracting telescope refractive index refractor refractorily refractoriness refractory refrangibility refrangible refresh refresh oneself refresher refresher course refreshingly refrigerant reft refuel refuse to be rushed refute regain regal regale regalia regality regally regardless regardless of regardlessly regatta regency regenerator regentship regicidal regie regimental regionally register of births register office registered registered letter registered nurse registered tonnage registrar registry regiusprofessor regnal regnant regorge regrater regress regressive regretfully regularity regularly regulus rehash rehearsal reichsmark reify rein in reindeer reindeer moss reinless reins reinsurance reinvest reissue reject rejection slip rejoice rejoicingly rejoinder relapse relatively relativeness relativity relator relax release from arrest relentless relentlessly reliably relict relief map relieve oneself relievo religionism religiosity religiously religiousness reliquary reliquiae relish reluctantly reluctivity relume remainder remake remand remarkably remarry remediably remediless remedilessness Remember me to him remembrancer remex reminisce remiss remissibility remissible remissly remissness remittal remittance remitter remnant remodel remonstrance remonstrant remonstrator remora remorse remorsefully remorsefulness remorseless remorselessly remorselessness remote control remotely remoteness remount removability removal removed remuneratively remunerativeness renal rencounter rend renege renewal reniform renowned rent charge rent roll rente rentfree rentier renunciatory reoccupy reopen reorder repair shop repairman repartee repast repay repeal repeater repeating circle repeating decimal repeating method repeating rifle repeating watch repel repeople repertoire repertory repertory theater repetend rephrase repiace repine replenish replevin replevy replica report card reporter reportorial reposit repp reprehend reprehensible reprehensibly reprehensive representative arts repress repressible repressive repressively reprieve reprint reprisal reproachfully reproachfulness reprocess reprocessed wool reproduce reproductive organs reproof reprove republish repugnance repugnant repulse repulsive repulsively repulsiveness reputed reputedly requiescat in pace requital requite reredos rerun res rescript resect reseda resemblance resentfully reserpine reserve fund reserve of ficer reserved reservoir residency residential residential quarter residentiary residual residuary residuary clause residuary legatee residuum resign resigned resignedness resin resiniferous resinol resinous resiny resistance box resistance coil resistibility resistible resistivity resistless resistsnce resole resoluble resolutely resoluteness resolve one's doubts resonant resonator resorb resorcin resp respectability respecter of persons respectively respirability respirator respiratory respire respirometer respite responsibly responsive responsively responsiveness rest cure rest day rest room restaurateur restfully restfulness restharrow resthouse restitutioinintegrum restless restlessness restraint restraint of trade resurrect retainer retaining wall retard rete retell retentiveness retentivity reticle reticular reticule reticulum retiform retinue retouch retract retractile retread retrench retrieve retriever retroactively retrocede retrocessive retroflexion retrograde retrogress retrogressive retrogressively retrorocket retrorse retrorsely retrospect retrospectively retrousse retry return address return game return thanks return ticket return to dust retuse reunion revalue revamp reveille revel reveller revelry revenant revenue cutter revenue office reverberator reverberatory reverberatory furnace revere reverend reverently reverie revers reversal reverse reverse turn reversely reversibility reversible reversibly reversional revert revest revet reviewer revisory revival revivalism revivify revocatory revoltingly revolute revolutionism revolving door revolving fund revolving light revue rewire reword Reykjavik reynard rfd rh factor rhapsodically rhapsody rhea rheotaxis rheotropism rhesus rhetorically rhetorician rheumatic fever rheumatoid arthritis rhinal rhine rhineland rhinestone rhino rhinocerial rhinoceros rhinoplas rhinoplasty rhinoscope rhizome rhizopod Rhodes Rhodesia rhodium rhododendron rhomb rhomboid rhomboidal rhonchus rhubarby rhumb rhythm rhythmically riant ribald ribaldry ribbon riboflavin rice flour rice milk rice paper riches richly rick rickets rickety rickrack ricksha rickshaw ricochet ride a wave ride for a fall ride roughshod over ridge tile ridgepole ridgeway ridicule ridiculously ridiculousness riding habit riding hood riding master riding whip rifacimento rife riff riffle riffraff rifle corps rifle pit rifled rifleman rig rigadoon rigel rigger right angle right away right cylinder Right face! right of asylum right of recourse right of search right of way right off right trianglegeom right whale rightabout righteously righteousness rightfulness righthand right-handed rightly rightminded righto rightward rigid rigidly rigidness rigmarole rigor rigor mortis rigorously rigorousness rigsdag rigveda rijeka riksdag rile rilievo rill rime rimfire rimmer rimose rimosity rimy rinderpest rinforzando ring down ring finger ring for a servant ring in ring off ring out ring true ring up ringbilled ringbolt ringbone ringdove ringer ringleader ringlet ringmaster ringneck ringside ringstreaked ringtailed ringworm rink rinse Riot Act riot gun riot squad riotous riotously riotousness rip cord rip off rip open rip out rip vanwinkle riparian ripe ripely ripen ripoff riposte ripper ripple ripplet ripply ripproof riprap ripsaw ripsnorter riptide ripuarian riser risible risibly risinq rissole risus ritardando rite ritually rive river bed river horse river man river qod river rat river road riverbank riverside rivet rivet one's eyes on riveted riveter riviera riviere rivulet rixdollar rl rlp rnicroscope roach road hog road machine road metal roadbed roadblock roadhouse roadmaster roadside roadstead roadster roadway roadwork roan roaring applause roaster rob Peter to pay Paul robber robbery robin robin redbreast robin's egg roble roborant robot bomb robustly robustness rocambole rochet rock bass rock bottom rock candy rock crystal rock garden rock ruby rock the boat rockandroll rockbound rocker rockery rocket bomb rockfish rockiness rocking chair rocking horse rockribbed rockrose rockwork rocky Rocky Mountains Rockies rococo rodomontade roebuck roentgen rays roger rogue elephant roguery rogues's gallery roguish roil roister roisterer roland roll call rolled oats rollick rolling mill rolling pin rolling press rolling stock rolltop desk rolypoly Roman candle Roman letters Roman nose roman à clef romanesque Romanism romantically romany rome romish romp rompers rondeau rondel rondure rood roof garden rookery rookie rooky roomer roomy roost root and branch root beer root borer root for root gall root leaf root out, root up rootless rootlet rootstalk rootstock rooty rope in rope off rope yarn ropedancer ropemaker ropewalk ropiness ropy roquefort cheese roquet rorqual rorschach test rosaceous rosary rose acacia rose cold, rose fever rose geranium rose jam rose mallow rose quartz rose vinegar rose water rose window rosebay rosebud rosebush rosecolored rosemary roseola rosetta Rosetta stone rosette rosewood rosh hashana rosicrucian rosin rosinante rosiness rosiny roster rostral rostriform rostrum rosy rotarian rotary Rotary Club rotary engine rotary harrow rotary press rotator rotenone rotgut rotifer rotisserie rotl rotogravure rottenly rottenness rottenstone rotunda rouble roue rouge et noir rough draft rough guess rough in, rough out rough it rough up rough weather roughage roughandready roughandtumble roughcast roughdry roughen roughhouse roughrider roughshod roulade rouleau roulette round clam round dance round number round of applause round off round out round robin round trip roundabout roundel roundelay rounder roundhead roundhouse roundly roundness roundshouldered roundsman roundtheclock roundup roundworm roup rouse roustabout rout out router rove rove beetle rover row against the tide rowan rowboat rowdiness rowdy rowel rowen rowlock royal mast Royal Navy royalism royally rpm rps rr rub away rub down rub in rub it in rub off, rub out rub one the wrong way rub out rub shoulders with rubadub rubaiyat rubasse rubato rubber boot rubber check rubber plant rubber stamp rubberstamp rubbly rubella rubeola rubicon rubicund rubicundity rubiginous rubigo ruby glass ruche ruck rucksack ruckus rudd rudder rudderpost ruddiness ruddle rudeness rudimental ruefully ruefulness ruff ruffian ruffianly ruffle rufous rugby rugged rugose rugosity ruinous ruinously rule of three rumania rumble seat rumblingly ruminant rummage rummage out rummage sale rummer rummy rump roast rumple rumpus rumpus room rumrunner run a blockade run a boundary run a risk run a temperature run about run across run against run aground run amuck run away with run counter to run down run for one's life run hard run in run into run into debt run off run on the rocks run out run over run rings around one run riot run short of run through run to seed run true to form run up run upon runabout runcible spoon rundle rundown rune rung runlet runnel runnerup running account running board running fight running fire running gear running glance running hand running knot running light running title runoff runofthemill runon runover runt runty runway rupee rush a bill through rush into print rush out of the room rushlight rusk russ russet russet apple russety russia russian Russian leather rustically rusticity rustiness rustle rustler rusty rutabaga ruthfully ruthless ruthlessly ruthlessness ruttish ruttishness rutty rwanda rye bread rye grass rye whisky Sabbathday's journey Saint's day Sam is a villain of the purest water sarco-, sarc- Second Reich see red see the world through send one's regrets show off smell a rat Something's up square root St Bernard dog St Elmo's fire Santa Claus St Nicholas St Valentine's Day St Vitus's dance staff officier stark raving mad string quartet Subscriptions summer resort take odds take rankwith take root take the rap take to the road take up a lot of room take up a quarrel tea rose tertium quid The car stalled on me The cheese is a bit off The deal is off The electricity is off the general run The harbor is open The house is on fire The joke is on you the odds are that the old country the old school the quick and the dead the realm of fancycîhana the retort courteous the rich the Rock The Rubaiyat There is no room for doubt They ran out of money They went to their respective homes They were made one to the quick torn to ribbons turn on the light under the rose Virginia reel water color The wages of sin is death walk on warrant officier wart'sy water rail We are off now We are running out of time well read What's he up to? What's up? whole rest with many qualifications with reason with reference to with respect to within reach without recourse without reference to without regard to without reserve without rhyme or reason women's rights young and old null and void conform concur comport hurdle encumbrance perceive with the eyes contrary to opposite to gullible inexperienced bissextile bitt bitterwood bitumen bizarre blab black-hearted blackball blackberry blackdamp blacken blackguard blackjack blackleg blackmail blacktop blah blameworthy blanch blare blarney blaspheme blat blather blaze blazon bleach bleacher blear bleat bleeding heart blench blend blenny blight Blighty blimey blindage blindfold meter silo blink bliss blister blithe blithesome blizzard bloat blob blockage blockhouse blooded bloodline bloodshot bloodstock bloodwood bloomery blooper blot blotch blouse blowpipe blowtorch blowzy blubber blue-pencil blueberry bluenose blueprint bluestone bluish blueish blunder blur blurb blurt bluster boarder boast boatage boatman boatswain bobbery bobbin bobble bobcat bobsleigh bode bodied bodkin bogey bogie boggle bogle bogus boisterous bole bollard bolster boltrope bolus bombard bombardier bongo boniface bonmot bonnet bonny bon ton booboo boodle bookbinder bookcase bookish bona fide bookkeeper booklet bookmaker bookman bookstall bookworm boor boost curt booster booth bootleg bootlegger bootless booze boracite borage bordelio borough borscht bort botch bottlebrush bottleneck bouffant bougainvillea bounden boundless bouquet bourn bourne bout bower bowl bowlegged bowline bowman bowsprit boyish bracer brand-new biro attacking bathing cap befall ringing louse blown eyed corporate boletus vein brio minded pantry caller principality transaction censored gang outlet cite clearing house commute winding compos mentis concentration camp congeries cookery book smith corned beef espionage punch shaft deactivate lethargy rooted denarius distrustfulness header gown elaborate particle now and again now and then for example exchange rate extensively provider fast asleep favourable first aid flare up tape future tense good luck goose flesh against the grain molecule toe swell haunt lowering heretical hobby horse horny mental hospital hot air human race hunger strike income tax pea indicative mood ingrain interchange irreparable japan miss varsity pad last night lingua franca lion cub lip service worthy lycanthrope measly mechanical mechanized sheath messiness mingle mulley muley nanny goat nerve cell nervous system nightmarish noblesse oblige nova nouveau riche timber palm tree parental pep talk perfect tense perverse pie in the sky piping hot pituitary gland plumb line pole star polygon pout press conference blood pressure presume tense prisoner of war private parts profitability promissory note indefinite pronoun pulmonary artery pulmonary vein put off dum rem salaciousness seismograph shake up strain shekel velvet slain slanderous spade spake spelt spoke truck teller virus supervenient tension winged swivel swollen telegraph pole thus far tippler travertine trodden tug of war in turn turning point turtle dove tut twisted tympanic membrane in vain headman viper viscid civil war wedding breakfast wedding cake whereof whereupon willful wisdom tooth wishful thinking all but ballistic missiles blew bridges busybody came back cardinal number cook book cutting off dead beat death bed dug out fire extinguisher father in law glass-blowing hid ibid illustrate instigated inverted commas jailor large scale time work looking up begotten manoeuvre market place marrying off nibbled nonetheless common noun romani in a nutshell outer ear pot luck prime mover rush hour in secret strum tabid ta-ta trap door troublemaker woke able-bodied absent-minded assemblyman at ease bellyache birthplace chatterbox custom-built double-jointed fifty-fifty firstfruit flaxseed foul-mouthed gaping go the way of all flesh goodheartedness hellfire highland homesick hotheaded hourglass ill-natured low-born low-level lyrebird mariner's compass merchantman passer-by penmanship photocopy pike-perch pillbox pitch-black postman pot-hole sketchbook slowcoach starry-eyed stovepipe t- tapeworm thirty-eight thirty-three thunderclap thunderstorm tin-plating twenty-five twofold watchchain zebrafish israelite obtaining pili skeleton in the cupboard slew throughfare turkish delight lori due to the fact that gop sceptical none the less double entendre baggy trousers secondary school stark naked apple of the eye as soon as possible assertive asymetrical at every turn at last at short notice back side neck back-log bare-headed auction bridge babii be no more bee-hive below the belt blind date black and white boarding house brain wave break wind brigadier broken down burst out buy in by half cabinet work call a spade a spade capillary vessel cast lots catch up chit chat chop-fallen chronical disease clog dance coffee mill cordwainer corrugated paper counter poise crack down cut a corner cutting into pieces czarism daily wage dark room diameter of a circle doormat duty-free dynastically ethnologist feroci figure of speech fit as a fiddle flash flood fling away fling down fly-boy folk tale for sale foul-breathed four-cornered freshman frogman from now on frozen water gas engine get away get by get off get on get out gilt-edged give away give in go back god forbid good-bye good-natured grape juice gray-haired hail a taxi hand grenade hand wash basin hard line have a screw loose heal a wound heavy-set hold on horse groom hot-headed hugeousness if not ill will in a measure in abeyance in accordance with in fashion in line with in the presence of index finger installment killed in action knelt kurki laughing stock lay low lead astray lead up to learn the ropes lie low let the cat out of the bag life cycle life guard lifting up lion-hearted lodging house loincloth long live long term love child low frequency make believe make out mathematical merchant ship microcyte milestone money grubber motion sickness mountain foot mountainy natural gas nerve tissue nether world newcomer news agent newsteller nitrous oxide non ego nonexistence not-good nyl off key off-cast on purpose once and again one day one-eyed open-work out of breath parisi pass off peace-loving pine needle pins and needles pipe down plundered post-mortem examination pound sterling prairie dog prick up one's ear prison camp psalmist public prosecutor public utility pull off punch drunk put down quarryman rear admiral respiratory system resting place rooftop rug maker scarlet runner schoolboy scrapbook scrofula shake hands shake off sheeppen shepherd's purse slave driver slip up smart aleck snow-flake snowshoe snuff it so far spinal cord spotlight stableman stakeholder stand up for station wagon steam up step down stick down stick it out stick out stirring up stomach pain stony-hearted storybook stout-heartedness stow away stretch oneself surveyor's level surveyor's measure swaddling clothes swash letters take measures tear down technical knockout terebinth tree thank you for nothing this night tom boy torrential rain tranquility tree wise trilling cries of joy triplicating truly courageous act tun-dish turn on two-fold vacuous stare verbal noun viscometry war club wasp bee water melon wear on weather forecast wedding ring what's HIS NAME with open arms work out worn out yo-ho-ho you know zero point spuriousness